Ricciardi and Hoboken411 AFTER the FBI 'Visit'

When GA went back to the post that my FBI friends were hitting yesterday, FBI Arrest Leads to Mason? something jumped out at me.   This, as written on 5/24/11 and posted on Hoboken411:

 According to one Hoboken411 source, several weeks ago a small group of people who claimed to be an “Audit Team” from the Group Insurance Fund (GIF) that insures the city came to the now-padlocked IT office on the 3rd floor of City Hall. The source says such an audit would include making sure the city servers were operating safely and not causing a fire hazard. The alleged “GIF audit team” actually went well beyond that and secured access to the information on the hard drive.

This “Audit Team” apparently didn’t “Audit” anything else but the hard drives in the IT office, which was seen as suspicious. Some people wonder if this was a GIF team, or private IT consultants brought in by the Mayor and Business Administrator Arch Liston under false pretenses. One source says Hoboken IT department head Patrick Ricciardi (right) was sent “on an errand” away from City Hall while the outside IT team spent hours scouring the city’s servers in his office.

Exactly HOW did Hoboken411 know this?

The ONLY 'source' that could have known that only internal hard drives were scoured other than the Auditors themselves was... Patrick Ricciardi.

Isn't that obvious?

And because of Da Horsey,  we now know that Hoboken411's Perry Klaussen was seen entering the locked (keypad access) employee entrance of City Hall, circumventing the Security desk and sign-in sheet, and visiting Ricciardi's office multiple times.

Such visits would be required for receiving 'public documents' on hard disk or jump drives to avoid electronic fingerprints.

Now... on the same 5/24/11 entry, Klaussen posts this: 
Contrary to the moronic musings of certain Zimmer-worshiping online minions, the FBI couldn’t care less about who releases public documents to members of the credentialed media. The press has a legal right and responsibility to inform the public about the government’s operations. Anybody who says otherwise isn’t familiar with The Pentagon Papers.

So what may be drawn from all this?

An ostensibly nervous Ricciardi told Klaussen the auditors were there for the data on the hard drives, and with no real idea of the purpose of the audit at that time but with a consciousness-of-guilt, Ricciardi, Klaussen and ghostwriter Lane Bajardi cobble together a 'Pentagon Papers' defense, legitimizing the THEFT of so-called 'public documents' as their 'legal right and responsibility to inform the public'.

GA is curious if the great legal mind of Mason operative James Barracato was enlisted for this 'Pentagon Papers' defense.  Has the F.B.I. questioned Mason's long-term operative and Klaussen friend yet or has he flown below their radar? 

It's amazing to see all this in print. Remember that was 6 months before Ricciardi's arrest.

But looking back now, knowing what we know, the Klaussen-Bajardi screed reads like a kid with his hand caught in a cookie jar telling you that he has a legal right and responsibility to steal the cookies in his hand.


  1. Well the FBI ain't reading your site for nothing, dot-connector girl.

  2. The buildings department had a similar "audit"

    1. When was that, Oracle?

      Wouldn't that be part of the City Hall network?

    2. Yup. Despite the autocratic dictatorial rule of Al "Qaeda" Arezzo.


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