Glad to See Mo Go?

GA was perusing the HR today, when this caught my eye:  Maureen Sullivan's letter exiting the School Board stage with an enthusiastic response from the public.

This is no James Barracato screen shot, folks.  More than 50% of visitors gave her decision the 'thumbs-up'!

Want to see where it is now?  Click here.


  1. So glad to see Sullivan go, though unless they leave town, it's doubtful this will be the end of her path of destruction. Markevitch is another toxic Repulican't cut from the same fabric as Mason, with nothing but a huge ego to fuel her misguided attempts to participate in any way in any thing in town as she strives for relevance in a community of younger, wealthier, better educated and MUCH better looking moms.

  2. Markevich hasnt attended a board meeting since May or June of 2011. Now, she knows what the educational and financial issues are?

    What a joke!


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