Mason Sent Invitation to Dwek?

The more one looks at the Russo-Dwek transcript from their April 29, 2009 meeting at the Light Horse Tavern, the more one sees.

 A GA reader found this.

Did you see that?

In a discussion about mayoral candidate Beth Mason, FBI informant Solomon Dwek recounts "I got an invitation, I think, for her" while he was away for Passover.

In 2009, Passover was April 8-16.

GA found one Mason event hosted within this time frame, on April 15, 2009:
Beth Mason fundraiser lunch tomorrow with Congressman John Hall

Hoboken mayoral candidate Beth Mason will hold a lunch tomorrow with New York Congressman John Hall, who represents District 19, the Hudson Valley region of New York. Hall serves on the House committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, Veterans' Affairs, and the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

The lunch will be from noon to 2 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, April 15, at the Elysian Cafe. A suggested donation of $25, $50 or $100 is asked.
Was this the event Mason invited Dwek to?

The 2009 mayoral election was on May 12, presumably the event he was invited to mid-April was a fundraiser.

Whose idea was it to invite him?

GA heard that she ran a chaotic campaign- lots of cooks in the kitchen (consultants) but no one directing them at the top.  GA heard that was the reason political strategist Tom Bertolli (a.k.a. Handsome Devil) quit.

It would be interesting to find out WHO put Dwek on Mason's guest list and WHY.

Did the invitation come from Mason or someone on her campaign with ties to Dwek?  Mike Russo was backing her candidacy-  remember he told Dwek that she let him (Russo) pick her slate. That was the deal.

So...  yet another little curiosity to emerge from re-examining that transcript.

Thanks to Lane (prosbus) Bajardi for calling our attention to it with this post:

 Or... in the words of my friend khoboken today on Patch:  
I'm sure that Mikey is just thrilled at what an outstanding job you have been doing, reminding everyone just what a crook he is.


  1. It's not surprising that Mason would invite Dwek as her political savvy is non-existent. One might say "NILL"

    What's worth remembering, thanks to Bajardi, is that agreeing to accept a bribe as Russo did, is in and of itself a federal crime. No money has to change hands. That the feds chose not to pursue Russo is something we may speculate on but it's worth asking ourselves: How is it that he's still a sitting councilman?

    1. Look, forget the myths the media's created about the White House-- the truth is, these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand.

      ~Deep Throat


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