The Snookvasion

 This came from a GA reader today:
I am surprised i did not see a story from you about the snooki and jwoww crew to hoboken?
My response: Who's Snooki?

Okay, that's not quite true. Here's what I know about her: she's a reality TV star, petite, voluptuous, has a very cute face and a retro beehive do.  But oce she opens her mouth, the romance is over.  GA has no idea who 'jwow' is.

Please let's keep it that way.

Sorry if you think I'm a snob, but I don't watch TV that lowers my IQ.   

LA (Little Avenger) and I enjoy the  National Geographic channel, Animal Planet, Discovery, Science and  History channels, that's basically it. So I've  never seen a "Jersey Shore" episode-  caught a snippet on YouTube, and that was enough.  You can have Snooki, I'll take Planet Earth.

All I can say is, Hoboken already has one cable tv superstar, Buddy Valastro.  That's enough.

So if I haven't yet made myself clear,  my response to the reader is, GA thinks that Hoboken needs 'Snooki and Jwoww' like it needs an anthrax shower.   Case closed.

Here's what the Snookvasion means to residents: when your favorite restaurant is occupied by a TV media circus, you're behind the velvet rope.  If you go to Starbucks and Snooki's there, you might as well fly to Brazil and pick your own coffee beans,'cause that's how fast you'll get served.

Like if you try to buy your kid a cookie at Carlo's.  Bring an ID and birth certificate.

Sorry to say, but the tizzy surrounding this Snookvasion says something about us, and it's not good.

It shows how little Hoboken culture has in common with our Manhattan neighbor's.  Now THAT place is teeming with famous people and superstars- and it's no big deal.  NYC is not impressed with celebrities.  They walk the streets, sit next to you in restaurants, ride the subway (Richard Dreyfuss once asked me for direction on the R train) and it's no big deal.   As it should be.

Even Hoboken has it's celebrities who live here quietly amongst us without fanfare.  Those are the kind GA likes.

Guess who I used to see frequently shopping in A&P?   

Eli Manning.  I didn't know who he was, just a tall,  young guy with a baby face.  Then, I saw him on a TV commercial and said "I know that guy!" Anyway, he'd shop during off-hours when the store wasn't busy, and acted like an ordinary chap. No entourage.  I recall he was behind me at the cashier once and waited in line like everyone else.

Now that's the kind of celebrity GA likes.

Eli, good luck in the Superbowl!  And if you're in townm avocados are on sale this week, 3 for $5

click HERE for this week's circular


  1. I was at Hudson Tavern once and Shaun O'Hara walked in with Eli and another guy (don't recall who). I didn't see Eli (at first) & didn't recognize O'Hara, but all these girls were pushing up to my side of the bar. Finally I said to the bartender "What the hell is going on, the other side is empty why I am getting crushed?" And he said, "You're standing next to Shaun O'Hara," and Shaun said "Hi, nice to meet you" and that was that. He seemed nice enough. Then I noticed Eli and I was like "Oh wow, the Giants are here." None of the 3 were particularly impressed with the commotion they were causing and they all seemed nice enough. That's the kind of celebrity I like too!

    I want snooki & jwow to stay out. But I read on FB that Village Pourhouse is signing the release to let them film there. Bleck.

  2. MBB would suggest that Snooki already IS the personification of "an Anthrax shower," GA.

    Rumor has it, a brownstone is already rented, too. If so, it might be interesting to know which real estate agency you can thank for that coup. (And g-d help the neighbors!)

    It would be interesting to find out what may have been contractually negotiated with the City, as these kinds of endeavors usually require some sort of legal coordination with Cultural Affairs (or whatever quasi-"film division" exists). That would involve Geri F. & Leo P., as her Director, yes? Ditto with "Cake Boss." Curious if anyone has explored this....


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