FOX Reporter Waldman LIVES in Hoboken

Umm... did he forget to mention that on Parts 1 and 2 of  FAUX news 'expose': "Parking Sucks in Hoboken", starring cyber-slug Perry Klaussen and Councilwoman Beth Mason.

And, reports are coming in that Waldman is a Mason Supporter.  GA to follow up.


  1. Quelle surprise! What a living cesspool the she-bitch of Hudson Street creates wherever she goes. A "news outlet" that gives sleaze a bad name agrees to cover a bogus story for one if its advertisers - Mrs. Richard G. Mason, queen of all that is bad, sick and wrong in Hoboken, with a guest appearance by her paid operative - a failed pornographer, and Waldman, the "reporter" turns out to be a Mason supporter who dwells in our midst. This is a new low, even for FOX - owned by Murdoch, publisher of a murdered girl's cell phone messages.

    They couldn't be less credible if they tried.

  2. Fox deleted all the comments this time.

    Here's the last comment from the first "edition" of the "report". It comes from a charm school graduate who calls himself "Hoboken Whites Only".

    "The only main problems with Hoboken are 1) minorities and 2) parking. Solution: since they won't leave willingly we burn their craphole run down apartments to the ground and pave the way for more parking spots for the the educated, responsible, law abiding white people that actually Increase property values."

    So I'm not guessing that the comments were deleted because of questionable taste / being repugnant. The comments were embarrassing - to Fox.

  3. You know, perhaps it is time to contact one of the media watchdogs. Like NPR's On The Media at or the NYT's Media Decoder blog - - that would certainly bring this incident the attention it deserves.


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