Nurse Patti Says...

“Our livelihood, the livelihood of this community, this city is hanging in the balance on four votes,” said Patti Stacer, a registered nurse. “I think it’s personal. I think that they did it for political gain…. They really don’t understand the effect it will have on us as a total community.” She said the four Council members should visit the hospital and see how many people are going to be hurt if the hospital closes. “They need to take a walk through this building and look me in the face and tell me why they can’t vote ‘yes,’ and then I can tell my kids why I can’t do for them because I don’t have a job,” said Stacer.
GA  has nothing to add.  Nurse Patti said it all.

Now listen to Dorothy.
One employee who’s worked at the hospital for more than three decades, Dorothy DeMauro, the director of volunteer services, said the issue shouldn’t be personal. The awning outside does not say ‘Zimmer University Medical Center,’” she said. “It says ‘Hoboken University Medical Center.’ It’s Hoboken that we’re concerned about.”
Shame on you, MORT.
