Mason Gallery Shut Down? UPDATE


According to an ear witness,  Beth Mason's Gallery 1200 has been shut down because the City Councilwoman did not obtain  the proper certification from the City to use  her space accordingly. It's called obeying the rule of law.

Not so transparent, for the self-titled Queen of Transparency to declare her former headquarters a gallery/event space without following proper procedure.

Well you know, rules are for other people.

(Update, 10/23/11 4:30 pm)
 From a reader:
Dear GA,

Saw your new piece and thought you might like to know that 1200 Washington Street, the location of Mason's "little shop of horrors"  is on the NJ State and National Registers of Historic Places. 

No zoning variances from the ZBA or Certificate of Appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Commission have been granted for the gallery.

Tomorrow is also a sad anniversary for this building.  It will be 30 years since some number of people (8 -13?) were murdered there in one of Hoboken's infamous arson fires.  It was horrific and it saddens me to think that no one was ever prosecuted for all of those arson murders.
I sincerely doubt that Mason knows or cares about this history.  The fact that she would flout our zoning ordinances is consistent with her narcissistic behavior and it is probably indicative of other liberties she's probably taking a-la Leona "only the little people pay taxes" Helmsley.


  1. Eleven people were murdered at 1200 Washington Street that night, including seven children:

    Now the only thing that gets murdered at this satellite for Mason's lust for power is the truth.


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