Another Day, Another Jihad

The problem with blind hatred is that it makes people stupid.

Add frustration to the mix (that every time  you've tried to embarrass the mayor or her allies it blows up in your face) and you've got the reckless kind of stupid.  Such is the dispatching of JNESO, the nurses union, to sniff for depositions from the creditors committee, although they can't be released in accordance with non-disclosure agreements- standard operating procedure in bankruptcy.  The request-  requiring the review of all 200,000 submitted documents on a weekend day- made for WHAT?

What does the elected official whose sole governing principle is 'hurt-Zimmer' think she is going to find in these depositions?

Or is the noise designed to discourage the buyer, HoldCo in the way that prospective School Superintendent Frank Romano was discouraged from taking the job, finally pulling out of his contract   after one School Board member's protracted jihad against him in the local media and online? 

Whatever it is, it's a one woman-show.  Beth Mason, take a bow.

And if Mason writes the ending, it means massive tax hikes, over a thousand lost jobs, a downgraded credit rating, huge cuts in City services, layoffs of City workers...

Speaking of the end.

GA senses our diva's violent lashing out at all moving targets- including yours truly-  and the sudden reactivation of propaganda tool Hoboken411, has everything to do with the F.B.I. investigation not going 'her way'.   Because when she goes down, she wants to take us along.
