GA and LA (Little Avenger) were just in the middle of making a pizza- pulling the dough- and my kitchen shook from side to side.... for maybe 10 seconds... it was probably 1:50 pm. I grabbed her and we ran outside to the front of our Willow Terrace house. I yelled in through my neighbor's open screen door if the contractors in his ouse were doing anything that might make mine shake. They said "No!" and all 3 of them (2 contractors and my neighbor) felt the side to side motion... we all think it was a small earthquake (tremor).
In Hoboken. Back to making pizza..... I hope that doesn't happen again.
I experienced 3 earthquakes when I lived in Japan, none serious but all scary. Did anyone else feel it?
Update- 2:04 pm
callico11, a poster on, is reporting that a 5.8 magnitude earthquake just happened in Virgina. Wow, a rare event on the east coast. Maybe G-d is telling us something?
Oh my... watching on CNN it was a 5.9 magnitude earthquake... oh my goodness, folks in downtown Va. standing our in the streets...
My upstairs neighbor felt it. All was quiet on the 1st floor.