VOTE Column C and Kurt Gardiner (Write-In)

OK, people today's the DAY. Polls are open from 6 am - 8 pm. So what are ya gonna do?

Please... support the candidates who support Reform and good, honest government.  There's a reason the HCDO booted our Democrats off the 'A' Column... and put Michelle Russo's slate there instead.   These are the folks who support the 'A' Column:

That's the kind of flood the HCDO is counting on with the Russo-takeover of the Hoboken Democratic party.
The 'problem' the HCDO has with Ravi Bhalla and our Democratic Committee-persons is they are blocking the toxic flood of monied interests into Hoboken.  That's why they gave Column A to the Russos. PLEASE support Ravi Bhalla for NJ State Assemblyman and your Column C Democrats and...

PLEASE write-in Kurt Gardiner for Freeholder!  He is a one-issue candidate and proud of it.

Kurt(a.k.a. Reformerus Giganticus) is sick and tired of our neglected main street, Washington Street and plans to send the County a message. You can read his complete statement here:

Here is how to write him in:
To vote me in on Tuesday on the machines go to the row for freeholder and select personal choice. Down below on the key pad type in my name Kurt Gardiner. This will be a way to send a message. The real election will be in November.
Go, Kurt!

Now, people these last reminders:
  • Any registered voter can vote for Ravi Bhalla and Column C candidates- meaning whatever your political affiliation (Democrat, Republican, Undecided)
  • You can vote for 2 Assembly candidates, but GA recommends sticking to Column C only.  Ruben is going to 'win' and voting for the other guy only 'cancels' a Ravi-vote (we need him to come in 2nd place)
  • PLEASE VOTE.  Send a message that the feeding frenzy by monied interests on Hoboken is OVER.  Vote for the candidates who give a damn about US.


  1. You are incorrect about Kurt's platform. He will also NOT vote for any tax increase for Hoboken or Hudson County.

  2. Dear ss1959, shall we call it an omission?


  3. Just voted in 2-1. Only 4 republican voters at this time. What a shame.

  4. Not such a shame if they'd be of the Bush /Palin / Bachmann / Gingrich variety.


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