Rough Diamond

I'd like to pay tribute this morning to one of my favorite message board posters- 'bludiamonds'.

Yes, there will be eye-rolling in certain Reform quarters, but that just goes to show you that one man's SPAM is another's chopped-up mystery meat in a can.


Here's what I like about blu.  His obsessive, focused rage at his primary target superbly satirizes his target's obsessive, focused rage at... lots of people:  Dawn Zimmer, Juan Melli, Dan Bryan, Reform bloggers, etc.   blu's dead-on mirror-shtick lances his prey's hypocrisy like a festering boil. It's smart stuff.

Now blu's been criticized by some teammates who see him as a poo-throwing monkey.  I think that's a philosophical difference among some in reform about what kind of armaments we need to win elections. Another topic, not getting into it now.

For the record, GA takes a big tent approach- there's room for all.

Let's just say bludiamonds is a grappler; so is GA.   He's more inclined to point the gun that's firing at him back at his attacker than to take the gun away and say, "be nice".  I wish his moxie were contagious.  

Yes, he's vicious.  No more vicious than his target.

Here are some recent  works:

 click any to enlarge
