Product Placement

Well, folks.  It's over.  GA's looking at the same data you are so it's too early for a post-mortem or much of an analysis.

Just a few thoughts.

Yes, Bhalla got his ass handed to him, but... served on a silver platter with a lovely  garnish.  For an unknown in Hudson County like Bhalla, it's all about product placement. In this case, the product was taken out of the window and put in the back of the store.

Take a look at the returns for Brian Stack:

16.3K people voted for the wildly popular Union City mayor.

SO WHAT that he was running unopposed.  Folks, that's a LOT of people.  Just TRY getting those Maxwell Place yuppies out of their hives to the polls (if they've bothered to register)--you'll need the jaws-of-life to remove them.

Not  in Union City.  Those people VOTE.

And they voted DOWN THE LINE.  Take a look.  GA figures a large share of these votes came from Union City, where Ruben Ramos is popular.  Sean Connors, on the other hand, opposed by Stack, probably reaped a bounty of these votes by product placement- being on the same shelf with the leading brand.

And in my opinion, that's what hurt Ravi most OUTSIDE of Hoboken.  GA will be very interested to see how Ravi did in Hoboken.  Which is not available yet.

But here's what the ballot in Union City looked like:

That's my theory, anyway.  And I'm sticking to it until a better one comes along.

Meanwhile, the other big news in that Michelle Russo's Democratic slate seems to have edged out Phil Cohen's Democrats for Honest Government, 38-34.  Although GA heard a rumor that we had a couple of 'friends' on the other side- if you know what I mean.  But you know what they say about rumors.

In any case, GA wishes to congratulate ALL those who won their seats yesterday.

A big shout-out to my new Democratic Committeewoman Julie Steinberg, who must be  recognized for her service to this city and her brownies, and of course my Committeeman Jim Koscis, recognized for his commitment to  Reform and his height.

Last but not least, Ravi Bhalla, you are AWESOME.  You ran a great race, and Hoboken's proud of you.  Well, I am.  We do need you here in  Hoboken, you know.

Others call themselves 'The Voice of Reason'.  Without such bragadoccio, you ARE.  Thank you.


  1. Maxwell is mine and Beth Mason's home district (2-1). Last November they voted Republican. Only one of two Hoboken districts to do so (other was 2-3). This May they voted for Tom Greaney over Beth. They pay whopping taxes and are normally good voters.


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