The One to Watch Tonight

Political junkies and the usual suspects will be tuned in to tonight's first post-election City Council meeting, all eyes on the soon-to-be-jettisoned Beth Mason, and Mike Russo, whose position on the HHA teeters on the shoulders of the new Reform majority (don't bet on it,Mike).  And of course, the tuned-in crowd will be waiting with buckets of buttered popcorn  for the main event: that batty Mason resolution to pump emails out of City Hall like black gold, complete with 'enemies list'- folks in the media, including bloggers!

I hope it passes...  for GA this would be hitting the comedy jackpot.  An excuse to publish my emails from now until... eternity.

So while all eyes are on the Mason-Russo Theater of the Absurd, GA's will be  watching someone else up there on the dais.

Nino Giacchi.

He's the one to watch.

Most of you know Nino's my Councilman.  And  I've said it here before,  I like him.  Of any of the Council of No members, Nino's shown his professionalism and maturity up there on the dais winning the title, 'Least Likely to Be Medicated'.   My problem with Nino has always been with how he voted.

And I believe Grafix Avenger has been fair to Nino throughout the campaign.  Now it's over.

So in the waning days of Councilman Giacchi's term will his better angels take the wheel?  He's a man liberated.

I will tell you, I don't publish everything Deep Uvula tells  me. Most often because he/she tells me that it would lead others back to him/her.  But I will say I've heard that Nino's back is pretty riddled with fire from his 'friends' who feel like he didn't turn out the vote in the 6th Ward.  So much for 'friends'.

So, will a liberated Nino turn to those better angels?  Will he 'go out' as the decent guy GA believes he is?  That means being the Nino Giacchi, partner of a law firm who's guided by his judgment, rationale, and legal sense, and not by a political strategist's decree?

Here's why I think Nino will go out with honor.

His mom.

GA's got a funny anecdote (well, I think it is).  I was a (vote) Challenger for Jen Giattino on  Election Day. My shift  was from 6 am to 2 pm at Marineview Plaza.

I have to be honest, I'd never been a Challenger before, didn't know what to expect, and certainly wasn't expecting a warm reception amongst that Castellano-friendly crowd.  So upon my arrival I approached my table (6-7) with a smile and introduced myself to the poll workers and the opponent's Challenger.

And who do you think that was- the  Challenger for Councilman Giacchi?

His mom. The lovely- inside and out- Valentine (Tina).

Can you imagine: GA paired with Nino's mother for an 8-hour shift?

Well, I won't relay what we said, but we talked for hours.... just chit-chat.  No politics. What a nice, kind, intelligent, classy woman.  A truly lovely person. And of course, I  would never begrudge any mom for showing unconditional support for her child. 

So that's what makes me think Nino's core will prevail, having been raised by someone like her.  Call me crazy. But that's what I'm thinking.

So that's what I'll be watching for tonight.  Signs of independence.  Rejection of crass, borderline-demented politics. Embrace of the rational. We'll see.

Go for it, Nino!  And regards to your lovely Mom.


  1. In the spirit of "I'll show you mine...", Ma$on and Russo get to see confidential emails if we get to see Ma$son's prescriptions and household employment records and Russo's poker game locations, internet downloads and browser search histories. After all, the public has a right to know!

  2. I have to say the same about Beth's mom. Unlike her daughter she was funny, warm and classy. Had a great time on the corner of 11th & Washington (Maxwell's)campaigning with (against) her. Unfortunately the nasty, lying John Kiem was a A-hole.

  3. So hoping you're right about Mr Giacchi.

    But I think the one to take a gander at tonight is the lame duck Council president. Plenty may ruffle her feathers and quack us up as she surely lays a couple of eggs like this daffy e-mail idea. However let's make sure as she tries to feather her nest she doesn't start winging it and running up a big tax bill with her "birds of a feather". But take heart, soon enough we will get this flock out of the majority and then watch the migration to the bottom of the pecking order.

  4. On another note, I would like to recount something I saw on Election Day. It was in Church Square Park, Mr Giacchi was working a corner of the park handing out handbills and so forth and who should walk by but Ms Giattino, and I will tell you that they had the most pleasant exchange which I didn't hear or try to but if you didn't know the particulars, you would just assume that they were two very good friends on a chance encounter. Despite differences, at the end of the day, they are both very nice people. It was a great Hoboken moment. Chalk one up for civility :)

  5. Very nice story, ply.

    Sorry to follow it with this update, but heard from a reliable source that Nino is "spitting mad" at the mayor and her "minions" whom he blames for waging a mud-slinging campaign against him.

    I have no idea what he's talking about. Other than endorse Jen, I didn't see mud flying at Nino from City Hall. Did you?

  6. Who cares that NG is "spitting mad", he's history as elected official - finally!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi GA, I did some work for Jen. My guess is that Nino probably didn't like the Move Hoboken Forward mailing and some of the other Hoboken bloggers did describe him as an obstructionist.

    However, he does have to understand that the actions of people on his behalf hurt him. Matthew Calicchio stealing Jen's sign from a dry cleaner and the message board postings from William, who you wrote about, did not sit well the people on Jen's side. The other reason why Nino lost is that Jen started campaigning in February. Nino didn't have a website up until three weeks before the election and didn't have one up during the debates in April (I think). Which I think was a terrible decision. You want people to see your website after you make a public appearance...I could go on and on about his campaigning mistakes too... Your source Deep Uvula said that "demographics don't vote." This time they did.

  9. Hi, Stuart. I think you're right. Jen hit the ground running, ran a fabulous, low-key, under-the-radar campaign. Nino seemed to be sleepwalking through it.

    Yes, I'm guessing any criticism at all stung.

    I can think of worse things than being called an 'obstructionist' and most of them came out of 1200 Washington Street.


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