VOTE Today- Machines vs. 662 VBMs

Yup, that's the new grand total. 662. 

I want to believe that many in the 3rd and 4th Wards whose children attend public schools are very happy with the direction of the Kids First-majority BoE. But I don't live in a candy-castle and commute on a unicorn.  This is clannish, dirty Hoboken. All these VBMs will pass through the hands of thugs and thieves. So one thing is clear.

Folks need to VOTE. Polls are open from 7am to 9pm. Please tell your friends, neighbors, folks you know in Hoboken.

I've already endorsed Kids First.

That's 3-4-5.

Clifford Godfrey- 3A
Jean Marie Mitchell- 4A
Steven Feinstein- 5A
