Rami to the Rescue!

This is a follow-up to last week's Timmy's Garden Update when GA- wearing her coroner's hat- pronounced Timmy's Photo-Op Garden at the Boys and Girl's Club DEAD, then put on her medium's hat (a gal who communes with the dead) and fingered the perp.

Timmy Occhipinti, 4th Ward City Councilman.

That's what the Ouija board told me.  I didn't make it up.

Timmy planted those lovely flowers last Spring, snapped photos, posted them on Facebook, then walked away from his little leafy friends without ever turning back.

So where are they now?

A sad metaphor for his performance on the City Council.

Well, folks.  Have I got a story for you.

When Timmy's opponent, 4th Ward City Council candidate Rami Phinchevsky read about Timmy's garden massacre on GA he heard the call...  the call of bleak and barren soil in the 4th Ward once planted as a politician's prop then left to wither and die from lack of interest. This betrayal of Timmy's 4th Ward constituents who must pass a depressing patch of soil daily, and the boys and girls who use the playground that see neglect in these empty planters would not go unanswered by Pinchevsky.

Because Rami cares about the people and the flowers of the 4th Ward.  Even though flowers don't vote.

So what did he do?

Rami rushed to the scene and...

...he watered Timmy's Garden of Death, watered it and watered it... tended it carefully... apologized to the flowery ghosts that hovered since abandoned by Occhipinti... never fear, little flowery spirits... because it's...
Rami to the Rescue!

And, you'll never guess what will happen.  

Yes, indeed.  The future is bright for Timmy's Garden of Despair... now that Rami's has picked up where the slacker left off..

This is what your future looks like, oh little Garden of Emptiness, if Rami Pinchevsky wins on May 10th:

So remember 4th Ward friends, on May 10...
Vote for the HERO (Rami Pinchevsky) and not the ZERO (Timmy the Pansy Slayer).

*GA Note for the  Terminally Humorless, Easel-Wielders: this is satire. Except for the part about Timmy killing his photo-op garden from sheer neglect.  That part's true.
