GA just completed an interview with 1st Ward City Council candidate Eric Kurta, who spoke on-the-record as an EAR-WITNESS to his opponent, Terry Castellano, telling some big-ass whoppers to her constituents on the campaign trail!
What makes this more interesting is there were 2 other EAR-WITNESSES with Kurta at the time. And one of them is a member of the City Council, the other a Democratic Committee candidate. (I've been unable to reach them so am withholding their names for now).
OK, here's what happened.
Around 7:30 pm last night, Kurta and the 2 others were canvassing at 235 Hudson Street, an Applied building on the corner of 3rd and Hudson. They were waiting for the elevator on the 2nd Floor, when they heard a familiar voice.... they turned to see an open apartment door and the 3 pairs of EARS recognized the shriek coming from within... it was Terry Castellano's.
So the EAR-WITNESSes listened and heard this:
"...and you know they're all picking on Mike... I don't know why they're all picking on Mike... they all met with Dwek... Marsh met with Dwek...Bhalla met with Dwek..."
Whoaaaa... lady, you know that's NOT true. You KNOW that only Beth Mason and your cousin, Mike Russo, met with Dwek.
So... that's Terry Castellano on the campaign trail.
In the privacy of her constituents' apartments, she lies like a rug.
Everybody’s been let off the reservation and nobody really cares about such niceties as offending people’s sensibilities.
Brace yourselves. Everything but the kitchen sink is coming at everybody.
GA Note: There may be more to add to this once I contact the other 2 EAR-WITNESSes and hear what they have to say. Can't wait.
"I'll get you my pretty...and your little dog too!"
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