Fingerprints on the Greaney Hit Job

When it comes to sleuthing,  no one's better  at it than that gelatinous orb, my buddy One Eye.

He's so dogged, it's ridiculous. All I have to do is ask him, "How do we find out x, y or z?" and the next thing you know- BOOM.  It's there.  Done.

So when I asked this monocular wizard how in the world did Beth Mason dig up such ancient financial records for the Hoboken411 smear job on Tom Greaney what do you think happened next?

I'll tell you.  That one-eyed wonder had emailed me 2 documents with a connect-the-dots guide to finding whose fingerprints are on the Greaney hit.  GA has redacted parts of this and has not published the last part.
Attached are two very interesting documents.  I was wondering how Beth got hold of the TG 15 year old Bankruptcy.  Generally, run of the mill personal bankruptcy records are not readily available.  

As I suspected, I went on line with PACER – (Public Access to Electronic Records) – which is open service to the general public and ran Tom/s name in a general search – the Pacer Search.  It revealed a number of cases with the name Thomas Greaney – not unusual – but they are all old. So I went back to Hoboken411 and looked at what they had put up. It contains FAX copies of the documents,  I double checked again on PACER in the Middle District of  Florida, founds Tom’s case on line and ran the attached Docket Report.  


NONE OF THE DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE!  THEY ARE TOO OLD!  That means that someone had to make a written request to the Court to ask that the old files be dragged out of storage and then copies and faxed.  They left a paper trail!  (redacted)  This research is way to sophisticated for Lane or Klaussen and HAD TO HAVE COME FROM (redacted).  

Well, well.  Here's what we know.

Someone  versed in personal bankruptcy, the law and court procedure went to the Florida court to request that Tom's files be pulled from dead storage.   This is not the province of the nitwits at H411. This was the work of a professional... someone with legal training or perhaps... a lawyer.  Or a law firm.

One Eye, can you tell us more?  Tease.


  1. If the Florida courts had to comply with this request, might they not also have to comply with a request of who asked for these - similar to the scenario in which one is entitled to know what person or entity has requested a credit report?

  2. Please do tell us if the courts have to comply w/ a request to find out who requested the records. (just hide your trail better than Beth did b/c whomever you ask to dig up this will have all of Mason's minions focused in on them)

  3. Red, that's the redacted part. Call it a hidden trail.

  4. Right, but if Tom for example wanted to see who requested his file, could he ask the court to tell him who requested it? For all we know, Mason's source is the one who did the redacting. I am hoping One Eye can tell us more. And I am betting whomever is implicated in this smear, either is related to Beth or never shows up on her campaign filings.

  5. GA, why did you redact? We are dying to know the whole story, including the person(s) behind all this!

  6. Perhaps it was someone well versed in bankruptcy. perhaps he/she currently works at a prestigious bankruptcy law firm in a city such as NY.

  7. If this info was unearthed by Ricky using Wachtell Lipton's time and resources, doesn't that represent a defacto "in-kind" contribution to his wife's campaign and wouldn't that have to appear on her ELEC reports as well?

  8. That would be the ethical and transparent thing to do, Oracle.

  9. Well, this is quite a revelation!!!

    I totally agree with One Eye with respect to the manner in which the documents were obtained and who could have obtained them. The court PACER system which electronically follows all of the transactions in a particular case (state or federal)that has been registered with the system only has the underlying documents (i.e., the actual complaint, counter-complaint, answer, various motions, etc.)for relatively recent cases. It wasn't until a few years ago that attorneys involved in court proceedings were required to use PACER to file the documents necessary to initiate a lawsuit (a Complaint) and respond to the allegations contained in the Complaint (an Answer). Additional documents which are required to be posted include legal briefs, motion papers, proposed court orders, etc. must also now be filed electronically on PACER.

    This bankruptcy case is so old that none of the papers filed with the court (and listed on the PACER case docket)are available online. I have been informed that the only way someone could obtain them would be to physically appear at the Florida court with a written document request to pull these hard-copy files out of off-site storage. I have also been informed that the court is not required to disclose the identity of the person making a request for records to a another person, unless that person is a party to the subject action, or has been duly authorized to request these records by such person...i.e., Tom Greaney or a designee appointed by him in a valid Power of Attorney.

    The bottom line is...whoever obtained these documents relating to Tom Greaney's bankruptcy case in the State of Florida had to spend a lot of time and money in the process. Gee, I wonder who that might be!

    Tom Greaney's unfortunate encounter with the bankruptcy laws of this country has absolutely nothing to do with the 2nd Ward Council election and his ability to competently carry out the duties of 2nd Ward Councilman. Yet the evidence thereof is being offered up by the Mason campaign as a sure indicator that Tom cannot be trusted to vote (along with 8 other people) on matters involving Hoboken's finances. If you took Beth Mason seriously (how can anyone these days?), you'd think that Tom, if elected as Councilman in the 2nd Ward, would have unfettered access to the City's checkbook. Remember All, that the purpose of this country's bankruptcy laws is to shield the bankrupt petitioner from shame and vilification and allow that person to rebuild their life and finances without harassment.

    This entire episode is a travesty which should leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Think about the lessons for City Council and have your good reputation and character eviscerated by a desperate opponent and her bought-and-paid-for minions. Beth Mason and Rickey Mason (don't even tell me you don't know what she's doing with your millions)...I am calling you out as having no shame, no morals and no decency. You should be ashamed of the use of these scorched earth tactics for the purpose of holding onto a Council seat and the Council
    Presidency...especially, Beth, because you are not even competent to run a Council meeting.

    May G-d look favorably on the City of Hoboken on May 10, 2011, election day for our comrades in arms, Tom, Eric, Greg, Rami, Peter and Jen, and prevent the liars and the cheaters and the vote stealers from prevailing. Amen

  10. Thanks, rudy for the thoughtful and informative post.

    Yes indeed, this operation was very costly.

    It involved someone showing up in person at the Florida court, hanging around until the doc (or box of docs) were located, then sifting through the stored files until the desired one was found. This smear job cost thousands of dollars. The expenses of the trip plus the time billed by that person.

    So folks, can you guess who might have that kind of dough?

    Do you think this campaign expenditure will show on her ELECs?

    Oh, right. Mason hasn't filed yet.

    Or was the cash was washed through an LLC? This one: Newton, Lao, Leonard & Locke?

  11. So, Hoboken 411 claims they investigated Tom and put out this information. Time to tell us who really did the dirt digging I think. We all know that gassbag can't afford coffee (anyone notice he is taking donations via paypal? LOL)

  12. Hey, Red. Let's talk:


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