Last night it was lights, camera, action on the City Council stage; a showdown between forces on both sides of a now-infamous FBI surveillance video. And when it was over, only one was left standing. Neither man nor woman.
A uvula.
Here's the latest uvulation from GA's fleshy, dangling and reliable source, Deep Uvula (DU).
So he’s back.
A little torn up, bruised, but still in one piece. Took his slap on the wrist. Took the best that the Mayor and her folks had to throw at him, didn’t flinch and he kept his seat and the HHA appointment. The HHA is where the real juice is, it helps him control the election in the 4th Ward. He kept what really mattered to his people. Looking good for that election.
Threw a nice party, lots of folks reaching out now to say hang in there, keep your head up. Don’t let them get you down. We need you.
Beth blinked. Beth blinked because she hates the mayor. She hates the Mayor more than trying to keep her image as a reformer. She surprised a few people by how much she hate she's got.
But without Mike, she was in danger of losing the presidency. She and Mike now have a new election theme message - “who else is on the tapes”, which will be replayed until the election. What about Stan? Alicea? Stuiver? Keep everyone on their toes and off base. And give us those damn emails.
They got their resolution last night, gave the kid a title to help him out, and Nino played his peacemaker role. Mike may be done city wide, but still has the juice to make things happen behind the scenes.
Beth’s being an asshole about the council ticket last election- she let Mike pick it and everybody knows it. But it’s not worth getting worked up about. She and Mike know the deal. She kept up her end. Let him keep his seat and the HHA. Now she just has to keep the check book open. Even if she is going down, like most think she will.
So this was all about politics in May. Nothing else, nothing more to look at. Page turned, rounded that corner.
Over and done.
Well, that was interesting.
Because this morning I'd been reaching out to various folks on the matter of City Hall's Russo FBI video surveillance transcription; aside from satisfying public interest why were these released in such an expedited fashion?
A lawyer friend sent me this:
Russo went out of his way to regale Dwek with a story of his corruption as an HHA official. Which subjects Russo to charges that he's manipulated the HHA for political purposes- a violation under HUD regulatory guidelines.
The city is under an obligation to report any such violations to HUD and to correct the problem.
So, this inquiry would be headed from the Mayor's office. Which means the Mayor's thinking was this: 'I am obligated to report this to HUD and these are the steps we are obligated to take..." and a transcript was ordered thus.
Remember we are self-regulatory, so to wait for HUD to uncover it subjects the City to penalties- anywhere from a fine to a with holding of all HUD funding. And the fine may be ordered to come out of the general municipal tax levy- paid for by Hoboken taxpayers.
I don't see how the mayor can let Russo stay. He's clearly violated his oath as HHA commissioner. And exposed the City to penalties from HUD, up to and including losing all HHA funding..
Hard to believe... let me break it down for you.
Beth Mason's finger in the eye to Zimmer (according to DU) - keeping Russo on the HHA- exposes the HHA to loss of funding and Hoboken taxpayers to HUD fines and compensating for possible loss of HUD funding.
Anger governs Mason's governing, and WE are her victims.
May 10th everyone. No excuses.
Are you trying to say that Michael Russo and Beth Mason are fiscally incompetent and that they have no morals when it comes to Hoboken politricks?
ReplyDeleteWhy do I beleive that these scum are just biding their time,scurrying around dark holes and dank corners, plotting and scheming like ravenous rats trying to invade the Last Supper to launch a blitzkreig of personal assaults against anyone remotely connected to "reform"?