Deep Uvula: Live from Ground Zero

GA's insider, Deep Uvula continues on the fallout from yesterday's FBI Russo-Dwek surveillance video release.

This sucks. No one can believe how fucking stupid Mike was.

With Dwek and then how he handled the book and the reporters. How could he have made such a mess?  He never let anybody know that the tape was this bad.

You guys don’t get what Russo means to us.  Mike protected us, was the guardian of the system, the guy to go to when you had a problem, he could get you a place to live, strong arm a landlord, call in a favor, get a kid a job. Maybe he got a little on the side, but that was expected. No one begrudged him for that, if he made something along the way.

So maybe he’s a crook, but he’s ours. He watched out for us. 

He’s damaged goods now, DOA.  How in the hell is he gonna be able to do anything for anyone anymore?  Who’s gonna be willing to talk to him?  About anything?  He’s dead as far as citywide goes.  He may get a win in May, but this video is death.

Fuck Beth and her money.  Fuck her fake outrage.  She knew everything from the get-go.  She made the deal with Mike at Church Towers.  She is as dirty as anyone in this mess. Everyone is just pissed. And disappointed.
And there's fear. His protection isn't there and it's not coming back. 
Who's going to fill the void?


  1. Something about karma, or just desserts or chickens and coming home and roosts etc.etc.. should go here.

    Digression: What did they do before video cameras and technology? I wonder what Dwek's camera was hidden in, although I bet thats in the book. Score another one for technology.

  2. The system is the problem. The system is corrupt. You just ignored the worst parts of that corruption b/c the system tossed you some scraps to make you pretend it wasn't robbing you blind w/ the other hand.

  3. You are judged by the company you keep. If Russo didn't pick Beth's slate, it sure looked like he did.


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