GA now has 11 worshipers...uh, 'Followers' on Twitter! Fabulous. Almost double the 6 from yesterday!
And... I've swapped all kinds of 140-character thoughts with Hoboken luminaries such as political kingmaker Jamie Cryan, ace reporter Al Sullivan, Patch princess Clare Moses, City Council doyenne Terry Castellanao...
Well, technically these Twitter transactions were not 'swapping'. Swapping would involve some kind of acknowledgment from the other side. These were more like 140-character thoughts shot out of a cannon without making a ripple in cyberspace. So I think the joy of Twittering is in the execution not the result.
But not sure yet.
My nephew in Tempe, Arizona reads GA and was stunned to learn that his Twitter-dissing Auntie took the plunge...
Yes, it's true, sweetheart. And someday The Twitter will get you, too.
The Jews on Christmas. GA and her sweet nephew who was home for the holidays. |
Love you, kid!
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