I am glad that you and your friends behaved yourselves on Saturday. That's why I love you.
But take a look at what the OTHER people did...
NY Times-March 8, 2011 |
So, I'm not talking to YOU. I'm talking to the OTHER people.
Q: When does YOUR fun become MY Hell?
A: When you and your friends comport yourselves like spoiled rotten brats and turn MY town into YOUR Frat House.
Gawker-March 9, 2011 |
Exactly, Gawker!
It's always the law-abiding majority (YOU) who suffer for the actions of the lawless minority (THEM).
YOU and your friends did not shout near my 8 year-old girl they're "looking for pussy", YOU and your friends didn't block the entire width of sidewalk in her path and NOT MOVE out of her way even though she was (visibly) not walking well (recovering from an accident), YOU and your friends didn't break the wooden sawhorse that's been here on Willow Terrace for as long as I've lived here (7 1/2 yrs)...
And I thank you for having a blast without disrespecting this community and its residents. As it SHOULD be.
But 166 people admitted to the hospital (a record), aggravated sexual assaults including rape, 34 arrests (a 36% increase from 2010)... that's what OTHER people did. So screw THEM. Let THEM trash their own towns.
Mayor Zimmer has revoked their privilege to piss on us. Thank you, Mayor.
I'm sorry that civilized people like YOU and your friends got caught in the crossfire.
You know, GA wasn't always a stodgy old finger-wagging fart.
I used to party heavily on St. Patrick's Day just like you. Yep. GA and friends had a blast celebrating on whatever day it happened to fall, in Manhattan, hitting various bars, getting ripped, acting like idiots. But without hurting anyone, disrespecting them or their property, getting in anyone's face. We only hurt our livers.
Why can't that happen in Hoboken?
Because the people who lose control are damned BRATS and they've just ruined it for YOU.
So before you get mad at the Mayor, get mad at the revelers who've pissed on Hoboken and it's residents in the name of their good time.
The Mayor is doing her JOB. Protecting the public, our property, our right to walk the streets unmolested by mobs of drunk and horny suburban brats.
The fun is not over. It's been relocated to hump day.
Why, this reminds me of an insightful little piece just put up on Mile Square View...