Follw me on Twitter

Say it ain't so...

It's so.

Click here and you'll see my  new Twitter page!  As for GA's opinion of that social network, I  once wrote:

Twitter, mass communication for professional pols, shallow wannabe-pols (Novak), propagandists, egotists, and the vapid.

I'm somewhere between 'propagandist' and 'egotist', probably a combo.  Maybe 70% propagandist and 30% egotist.

Has my opinion of Twitter changed since joining?

Not at all.

Twittering is like playing solitaire on a huge stage. You're basically talking to yourself in front of a vast, anonymous audience. And did anyone out there really ASK for your 140-character ruminations?   No.  But you serve them up unsolicited anyway to your worshipers... uh, I meant to say (in Twitter-parlance) 'Followers'.  I only have 6 Followers, which is pretty depressing.  I may kill myself later.  Or soldier on hoping to hit lucky-7 by the end of the week.

Who wants to Follow me?  I wouldn't if I were you. I have no idea where I'm going.

I don't fully 'get' the art of Twitter yet, to be honest.  I know it's not complicated, yet I'm confused. Who should I follow?  Where should I follow them?  Do they know they're being followed? What's the difference between following and stalking?  Example: say you follow (on foot) someone around all day who doesn't like you, that makes  you a stalker.  But it's okay to follow that same person in cyberspace?  Very confusing.

What would get you arrested offline is 'normal' behavior on Twitter.

So, I have a confession to make... I love Twittering!   It truly is perfect for the attention span of the average American idiot... that's me!  There is something  addictive about throwing out half-digested thoughts, non sequiturs, sharing one's deepest 140-character thoughts...  

So maybe I was being a party-pooper about the whole Twitter thing.  Apologies to the Twitterati out there.  You were right and I was wrong.  Sort of.

As for why I joined Twitter... to be honest, I was inspired by GA contributor Griswell from the news service Reached For Comment..  

He'd written about being blocked on Twitter by 1st Ward Councilwoman Terry Castellano- which means she denied his request to 'Follow' her.  That's the equivalent of a cyber bitch-slap.

Take that, Griswell!

And here's a screenshot of his rebuffing:

Wow.  Blocked by a member of Hoboken City Council.  That's impressive.

So I thought, if Griswell can do it (get blocked),  so can I.

Well, it's been slightly over a day now, and GA's already been blocked!  Fabulous.

Only it's not a really impressive blocking, like Griswell's.  Not an elected official.  Not a celebrity.  Not even a local celebrity.

It's Kathy Zucker, who writes an opinion column on Patch under the header "Mile Square Parenting".

I've only met Zucker once-- online in the comments section below her piece "Baby Models: Cinderellas or Drudges" Have a look at the column and GA's comments.   I simply didn't agree with her on schlepping babies and toddlers around to modeling gigs- there's something creepy about it-- but my tone was civil.  See for yourself.  Had I known she'd block me on Twitter one day, I might have thrown in a gratuitous epithet.

So,  here's to to my next blocking- maybe someone important this time: an elected official, a movie star...

In the meantime, (it's fun to say this) follow me on Twitter.


  1. Welcome to Twitter GA. I predict you will have legions of followers in no time as you rise in the ranks of the twitterati. I promise I will never block you on Twitter even if you disagree with me. After all I tend to disagree with myself at least half the time which I guess means I should block me from myself on Twitter....

  2. Thanks so much, hulla. There's not much to it.

    And likewise, I shall never block you dear friend.


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