When Push Comes to Poll

Well, it's that time again...  

GA  was push-polled back in September by the New Jersey Opinion Research Center, a Mason effort to deliver anti-Zimmer administration messaging  in the run-up to the November 4th Ward election.

Well, the same telephone number (800) 251-5850  rang after 9pm last night much to my consternation;  Avenger household communications shut down early due to LA's (Little Avenger's) bed time.  I didn't pick up.   Today  blogger p1ywood reports getting a Mason push-poll on MSV  and it all makes sense.

She's at it again.

Now I wish I'd answered. If only to glean the ICBM* that Mason's aimed at each of us.

* an ICBM (Intercontinental ballistic missile) is a targeted, long-range missile armed with nuclear warheads... a few of you asked about that last time.

That is, what's the subtext of the poll questions-  the message. I'm very interested in the kind of messaging Mason plans to use against Tom Greaney, her opponent.

I suspect she'll go for the lowest-hanging fruit.  In which case we'll be hearing a lot about families, family-values, raising kids, her partnership with a  boy named  Ricky, and so-forth... *wink*. 

What else could it be?

I guess we'll find out.

GA checked  Mason's campaign web site for clues and found these images:
Out of the 16 images Mason  posted of herself:
  • 3  are  w/ Mayor  Zimmer (19%)
  • 3  w/her daughters (19%)
  • 1 w/a cute kid (6%)
  • 6 talking w/'regular' folks (38%)
  • 1 at the City Council (6%)
  • 3 with political celebrities- Newark Mayor Corey Booker, NJ Senator Bob Menendez  and President Obama   (19%)

If pictures tell a story then what's she telling her 2nd Ward constituents?

2 things jumped  out at me:
  • a trio of pics with Mayor Zimmer (see? she likes the popular Mayor, too!)  
  • the dearth of City Council pics (she's running like hell from her tenure there).
Imagine, only ONE pic showing her at the City Council.

And that's the recent one of her getting sworn in as its president.  ONE.   She's RUNNING for City Council, has served there nearly 3 years but only posts a  single pic taken 6 weeks ago?

Mason doesn't want to remind her constituents of what she's done there.  Or she recognizes THEY don't like what she's done there.

So instead, she posts 3 times as many pictures of herself with the the mayor whom she opposes with a vengeance.

Fascinating.  The whole page reads like one of these:

Rorschach ink blot

What do you see?

I confess, one image made me see green... with envy:

President Obama with Beth Mason

So much so folks, I just couldn't help myself:

President Obama with GA

(Updated 2/10/11 8:15 am)
Reader tony tells us today that the poll conducted was opposition message-testing by the Zimmer administration.  In other words,  a sampling of  whether the Mason-Russo talking points have influenced opinion in our town by disseminating them city-wide via polling.  Not sure that's a terrific idea, but  nothing new  as polling goes.

Hey did you see me with President Obama?  Did you know we both love the same flavor ice-cream: Starbucks Java Chip.


  1. Egads!

    I hope you and Ms Mason weren't at the same Obama function in the same dress!
    Or were you bridesmaids?

    And I'm not even going to ask what the President is slipping you in the photos. Really. I don't want to know.

  2. Is he signing her autobiography, "How to win minions and buy elections?"

  3. BTW, I guess I was wrong. I thought "ICBM" stood for Inappropriate Councilperson.......oh, never mind.

  4. I know that last image means BIG trouble for me once my favorite conservative Republican shows up.

    Everybody: stand back.

  5. GA, I was polled Sunday and it was a fair poll as I understand (by 1st hand) it is not Mason's poll but one of the good guys...

  6. Interesting, tony. I just spoke w/someone who was polled and sure it was a Mason poll.

    Maybe we need to poll who was polled?

  7. Hmmmmn 3 pictures of a smiling Mason with Zimmer to suggest what? co-operation? unlike Mason's voting record which is nearly 100% against our reform Mayor. The picture with Booker is from Zimmer's Fall 2010 fundraiser at Teak..... I guess Mason bought a ticket or else she did a ring and split photo op. I was there and if Mason had stayed I think I would have noticed.... it wasn't that big of a room or maybe it's a really great photo shop picture. What's next a picture of Mason marrying Prince William in a big royal April wedding timed perfectly for election season? She has been wearing a lot of white lately....

  8. I got polled last night. And if it was the same one that polled TS, then we do not share the same concept of what constitutes a fair poll.

    But, hey, I think that you are onto something about the reinvention of Bet M. HJ had an article about the noticeable silence of the Lame. NJ.com is a mausoleum and there is nothing too spirited on PATCH, except for resident village idiot John Keim. What gives? I think two reasons – first, Queen Bet is actually trying to reinvent herself, witness the unveiling of her website and your wonderfully insightfull dissection of the imagery. But what else could we expect from GA? I have commented elsewhere that if I was a newbie in Hoboken and was reading the new and improved website as my first foray into local politics, then dayum, I might just vote for the gal. But, as anyone who has been around more than a nano second, it is full of outright lies. Which brings me to another thought about the state of anxiety looming voer May. Since the huge increase in population was announced, there has been an ABSOLUTE silence from the old gaurdy types. DoO you realsie how huge a 12k population increase is and what it means to the demographics of the voters in Hoboken? Virtually none of those 12k are likely Mikey Russo voters. They are ripe for the picking for reform – and reform to loose, as they will only count IF they are registered and VOTE! There needs to be a HUGE voter registration drive between now and May. The fact that there are so new many people on the rolls of potential voters has to send icicles down Mike’s back. It obviously has sent Bet into a tail spin. This is Mama Russo’s nightmare and hell- she made her dough selling to the yuppies and now they are here and ready to take away her candy store, aka City Hall.

  9. Much as it pains me I must confess- I erred- the Mason and Booker photo was not at Zimmer's fundraiser- it did seem too good to be true that she sneaked a photo op although not beyond the realm of possibility. I will take my forty lashes from Mason's muzzled minion.

  10. Hey, here's a novel concept.
    Will the person who paid for this poll step up please?

  11. The Zimmer pics are meant to convey the Mason "professionalism". Working across the aisle and all that crap. You have to admit, once everything thorny subject has been tabled or buried in committee and the public has been allowed to speak but never replied to - the Mason meetings do tick along. It's sort of like communism without all those darn gulags.

    Also, keep in mind that once being cc person for the 2nd ward is added to being mayor of Hoboken as a non-option, Mason will have to come crawling back if she wants a new gig. And the likely choices are Ruben's gig or Stick's gig. You wouldn't want to go all "Zimmer sucks" on your website when that is your unavoidable next move.

    The other subtext of the photo selections is better living through xanax. Honestly, she looks half-in-the-bag in a lot of those, starting with the 1st one. Check out the one with the constituent in a purplish dress whose head is lopped of so we can focus on Ms Mason's other-worldly demeanor.

    Democracy forces people who have no natural feel for the public at large to try to pretend they do if they want to get elected. Sometimes the results are hilarious. What on earth is she saying to that poor woman? "Oh, dear hand-picked ethnic demographic representative, when I gaze upon where your face would be if it weren't lopped off in the final edit, I see how much we are alike, you and I. But not really. Not even a little. I like saying it though. By the way the bus leaves at 5. Be on it with the other extras. And God Bless You! God bless all those wonderful people out there in the dark!"

    The stagey-ness is heightened by the fact that she did these pictures in one shoot - since these events don't occur naturally in real life. Consequently they're all in one outfit. Oops. Imaginary congress with imaginary constituents together with pictures of an imaginary alliance with the mayor. And an imaginary $20million surplus waiting to be re-distributed. Here's a campaign slogan that could work. "Hey 2nd Ward - wanna be part of my fantasy?"

  12. Nah, GA it gave a good chuckle. At least I like one of the socialists in the photo.

  13. ss1959,

    All I have to say is, what took you so long?

  14. I decided to let the rest of you lefties spout off. At least you didn't put my picture there. Beth also mentions the Mayor in regards to infrastructure, then when the Boswell engineer is there she doesn't bother to ask him for a update.

  15. @Khoboken and Nancy,
    I was told by someone directly connected to the Mayor in writing that the poll I got on Sunday was Zimmers.

    From what I know about Polling, you test the opposition's lies about you to see if they are believed/shared by the public.

  16. Thanks, tony.

    The danger of this kind of message testing is that the recitation of lies and opposition talking points may serve to reinforce them in those who are less informed, IMO. Or expose them to lies they haven't heard yet. I think it's a pretty small subset of our population that pay close attention to the hijinks in this town.

    You think Mason will run a truth-testing poll to see if the opposition's truth is believed/shared by the public?


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