Can He Do It?

Can Eric Kurta bury his opponent next May?

Now GA is a big Eric Kurta fan.

I went looking for his campaign web site this morning and found it's a Facebook page.  I'm not sure if he plans to put up a conventional campaign web site.  If not, I would suggest doing so because not everyone Facebooks.

I don't.  

GA is not a fan of online social networking and has to 'borrow' other people's passwords to access various  sites, including Facebook.  Now don't even get me started on Twitter, the lowest rung of the online  networking ladder.   Twitter is for dummies.  At 140 characters max, it's perfect to suit the attention span of the average American idiot.   But I digress...

Judging from the attendance and enthusiasm level at yesterday's Greaney-Cunningham fundraiser hosted by the effervescent Phil Cohen, I'd say the 'force' is with Reform.  But of course, given the other team's  access to Ricky Mason's checkbook via the Beth Mason Prize Patrol, convenient for paying of hundreds of 'campaign workers/mail-in voters' at the 11th hour...  that's the wild card.

The influx of money, money and more money via PACs, if not to hand off directly to campaigns then to line the pockets of 'henchman' in order to satiate their benefactoress' appetite for malice will go on.   Sources  confirmed to GA that the barrage of anti-Zimmer administration smears under a multitude of screen names on have been the handiwork of a single Mason surrogate and webmaster, James Barracato- at his own admission.  Yup.  That's how the 2nd Ward Councilwoman rolls. The message boards have quieted down lately timed with Mason's ascension to the leadership of the City Council, but that can't last long. Not with the  stakes as they are.  Not with the person that she is.

Psssst....   Mason's NJDC hijinks will come back to bite her in the ass.  And she's bringing her friend Larry Stempler with her. Every time her flunkies at Hoboken411 regurgitate that episode bumps it higher on GA's 'to do' list.

To be continued...

(Update, 10:45 am)
A GA reader has emailed me this link: Eric Kurta's soon-to-be launched campaign web site! With this message:
I know he's been working on a site for a while...he's no dummy!
Well I know some big dummies- one in particular- and Kurta's not one, that's for sure.


  1. What ever Eric does, it will be classy, unlike his opponent.

  2. One of the best graphics ever on this site. Color unity of the hat and shovel to the existing image really work. Santa must've been good to someone.

    Oh and Happy Valentine's day to one and all. Kiss the cook.


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