Out of Order

When was the last time you saw an elected official,  a heartbeat away from the Mayor's office, do the following at a public meeting:
  • juggle the order of public speakers in order to execute  political strategy?
  •  choreograph the public portion with a  political operative disguised as a "member of the public"?
  •  use this operative as her proxy in a vicious war on members of the public- in preplanned diatribes that smear, trash, expose  citizens (critics and political opponents)  to ridicule in an effort to destroy them, their reputations, their livelihood?
  • use a tax-payer funded venue (City Counicl Chambers) for  STAGING A POLITICAL  OPERATION:  political operative sent to 'deliver' a talking point/ smear who also ghostwrites for a cyber-tabloid where the operative trumpets the talking point/smear  he was sent to deliver at City Hall... on OUR DIME?
You haven't seen all that?

Watch THIS (2 minutes):

This level of unethical, contemptuous behavior and abuse of power is deserving of a response.

Call it what is is: CORRUPTION.

It must not go unpunished.

GA urges members of the City Council to CENSURE City Council President Beth Mason for her violation of the public trust. 

I don't want to hear that you don't have the votes for censure. 

It doesn't matter.

There's a moral imperative to act.  Even if the votes aren't there, a follow-up discussion in public after this violation of OUR trust, is needed  restore faith in the entire process of the public's right to speak to power that Mason has TAMPERED with.

How are  we,  members of the public,  supposed to feel about speaking out when they see that our forum is being manipulated by the elected official  charged with running it?

Public confidence in the process of open, public forums to address our governing body needs to be reaffirmed.  Condemnation of this abuse of power, this corrupt behavior,  must be addressed.

The City Council President needs to apologize to the public and ensure us this will never happen again.

If you ask me, this level of corruption merits impeachment.


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