Er Wünsche der Stuhl

translation: He Wants the Chair

I'd planned to write about last night's City Council meeting-- or the parts I saw in between paying attention to LA (Little Avenger) before I hit the sack at around 10:30 pm.

But this morning my friend, hullabaloo, told me that late in the meeting, 3rd Ward Councilman Michael Russo asked Corporation Counsel for the follow-up regarding "removing a board member"...


Who could THAT be?

Oh, this is hysterical. So they're going that route? I thought they'd left that dead skunk roadside but it looks like they've stuffed it the back seat. Or maybe it's driving.

A rockin' First Amendment battle to start off 2011.

I'll bet that chair looks like a big, juicy steak.

Yum, yum!


  1. No, he wants the bribe money.

  2. Deja vu? One person insularly in charge and an underling doing the dirty work. Na, couldn't be.


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