Willow Wonderland

A Willow Terrace pictorial, taken at 9:30 am.

One commuter's nightmare is a child's dream-come-true.

The Hoboken public schools are closed this week; the timing couldn't have been better. Because 'snow days' mean the district calendar gets extended accordingly, and who needs less summer? Of course, the ordinary urban landscape transformed overnight to a snowy playground on their week-off is a gift.

What could be more fun for a kid?

So LA (Little Avenger) and her friends on our block played, while neighbors strained to dig out their cars, some of which were completely covered with snow.

Try to enjoy your snow-day wherever you are.


  1. Wow, GA! Those snow drifts are huge! Knucklehead that I am, I left my bedroom door (which opens out onto my patio) open a smidge (as they say) because I'm always too hot. I wake up at about 1:00 AM and have a huge snow drift in my bedroom. Huge, I say! Poor little Rudy was Freakin'! It took me about two hours to clean up the indoor snow storm. I'll never do that again. Stay inside, everyone, it's treacherous out there!

  2. Oh my Lord, rudydawg, that's quite a tale... so sorry for your trouble.

    But I do envy your heat situation... wish I had that problem!


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