Be Civil (Online) or F*ck Yourself

I know what you're thinking.

Who the hell are YOU, Miss Grafix Avenger, asking for more civility online?

Aren't YOU the one who did this?

And this?

And this?

And how 'civil' was this?

You're right.

I'm ashamed of myself. But most of all, I'm ashamed of YOU. No, not you, silly... I'm talking to the guy behind you.

Yeah, him.

He's the one who flies off the handle at message board comments he disagrees with. But instead of attacking the point being made with reason and logic, he goes off on a tear insulting the character or appearance of the poster.

And for some examples of unhelpful discourse:
  • You have an inferiority complex- and it's fully justified
  • Are you always this stupid or just making a special effort today?
  • Don't let your mind wander -- it's too little to be let out alone
Those disparaged the intelligence of the poster. These target appearance:
  • If I were as ugly as you, I wouldn't say "hi!", I'd say "BOO!"
  • All day I thought of you... I was at the zoo.
  • I've seen people like you before,but I had to pay admission
Then we see the lobbing of general, all-purpose insults:
  • Why don't you slip into something more a coma.
  • I know what sign you were born under: "Red Light District"
  • I heard that you changed your mind. What did you do with the diaper?
  • Save your breath... You'll need it to blow up your date.
So ask the guy behind you: do we really need this kind of discourse in what ought to be an open exchange of ideas and opinion from a diversity of participants?

Ask him if it stifles an uninhibited, honest exchange of ideas when one is afraid of being called an 'A-hole' or worse?

A little more civility online can only encourage better dialogue.

And if you can't be civil, go f*ck yourself.


  1. Whattaya trying to start, a civil war!?

  2. I want to ask - in as civil a way as possible - when the pic of Pete will be augmented to show fellow cell-frau Tim.

  3. Love it! great post GA! We can accomplish great things if we listen to one another, regardless of our backgrounds, regardless which "side of the fence" we are assumed to be on. We're all on this roller coaster ride together, for better or for worse, so let's not make the ride bumpier than it needs to be!

  4. You know it, princess.

    Now Info, how do you know Timmy's not there? Check the back side...

    Yes, ply-- put up your dukes!

  5. Thanks for the thread GA - don't know if it will have any impact, but I hope so. It would help in the next election. So many had a lot to say about the "shill" thread and how you shouldn't have gone quite that far because it hurts "us" w/o any thought to their own comments hurting "us." Thick skins in cyber-space are all well and good, but this site, MSV and HJ do draw a lot of posters that are pro-administration, although they might not always agree on all issues in this town. I'll admit to worrying (from time to time) about what this administration might really stand for if the comments on these blogs really line up with the administration's own viewpoint...not to mention that the comment stream has narrowed down to very few (maybe 10, maybe 12 regular commentors with another 5 or so commenting from time to time.)

  6. Indie, I think we are seeing the limits of blogging vs direct action.

    With blogging, language is the beginning, middle, and end. This leads to hyperbole, harsh rhetoric, and other excesses based on using only one tool for all problems.

    It reaches a point where it actually benefits people like Mason and Russo. We expend all our energy seconding and thirding existing positions and substituting vehemence for actual work.

    We need to see this for what it is. Mason and the old guard she has adopted know they are in the fight of their lives this spring. If they lose there may not be a future for them. They will act accordingly and plan for a war. Meanwhile we continue to zing each other and emphasize our differences. We are a gift to our enemies.

    We need to take stock and come into the new year focused on simple clear objectives. Mason will be. And she's got a lot more money than we do.

  7. good thoughts, Info - and spot on. I'm not sure how we'll get ourselves focused, but the one thing that we seem to agree on is that we want an end to corruption of our government. Perhaps we can start there. The recent 4th ward election is fertile ground. After that I don't know where we go. Clear objectives will be tough - we're a fragile group.

  8. Welcome back to GA, Sully!

    Now that the aliens are done with their experimentation and have returned you, we rejoice in your presence. Just be civil.

  9. Ply: Didn't you mean civil ward?

  10. Does anyone know how to get in touch with the Grafix avenger? I have a great idea for a graphic and want to pass it on

  11. grafixavenger666(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. Hiya, Donna. I'm Looking forward to hearing from you.

    A mutual friend had mentioned an idea you'd had... perhaps it's the same. And I liked it.

    Thx, ply!

  13. I'll do my best to be civiler but from time to time, I'll be forced to undertake the 2nd option. I just hope I treat myself right. And would it kill me to give myself a call at work the next day just to say 'hello, that was special'? Who do I think I am?


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