3rd Candidate?

The Jersey Journal's Morning Rush is reporting that a 3rd candidate, James Jeremy Sanford, for Hoboken's 4th Ward City Council seat has joined candidates Councilman Mike Lenz and Timmy Occhipinti.

Fact or another well-placed rumor like the "622 Occhipinti absentee ballots".

GA's awaiting the arrival of a little more meat on this bone.

(Update, 11:00 am)
Meat has arrived!

I just spoke w/a source who told me a little bit about Mr. Sanford. He's a 23 year-old Chinese-American Right-Wing Republican (the Tea-baggy kind) who is "not running to win" but "running to build the Republican voting bloc in Hoboken".

Hmmm... that rings a bell.

My source told me he is a member of the Red Elephants, Nathan Brinkman's Republican Group., which GA has yet to confirm. If you remember, Mr. Brinkman masterminded the all-Republican slate, Real Results, to challenge non-partisan Kids First last Spring in the non-partisan BoE election. With abysmal (real) results.

Well, fancy that. Real Results- The Sequel.

This is very interesting...

Political junkies, grab your popcorn.

(Update, 11:55 am)
Blogger ss1959, knows Mr. Sanford and has provided the following clarification:

He is actively involved in the Hoboken Municipal Republican Committee and is not part of Nathan's group as far as I know.He was elected as a member of the winning Republicans of Hoboken slate.

Hopefully, Mr. Sanford will issue his bio and campaign platform soon so we can learn more about him.


  1. James is a smart, well educated main stream conservative. He is actively involved in the Hoboken Municipal Republican Committee and is not part of Nathan's group as far as I know.He was elected as a member of the winning Republicans of Hoboken slate. I believe that he is his own man and is worthy of listening to.

  2. Thanks ss1959, was trying to confirm that.

    I am sure James is a respectable man and want to hear what he has to say.


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