Reader Note

Some of you may notice a missing post. I whacked it myself on the advice of a friend.

It looks like Saturday's post has incurred the wrath of the subject's minions, a particular one with a Weehawken address. So it's best to err on the side of caution in such an environment.

Or as he put it:

"... that ass hat in Weehawken does have the evil gene that we discussed you are lacking. I just don’t trust that whack job for a multitude of reasons. The posts today were freaking creepy."

Advice taken.


  1. If I put two and two together, there was a deliciously cute and adorable post with pics about LA and her girlfriend selling lemonade in Hoboken. It would seem that GA had some second thoughts about posting pics (I could not see any facial features, just knew it was LA because GA said so)because of the unhinged shenanigans of some cyber freaks. If I am on target, I can't blame her. As adorable and cute as the pictures were (and GA was as righfully proud as any pea hen), it would be infinitely worse for them to be used as cannon fodder by that creep in Weehawken.

  2. khoboken,

    2 and 2 makes 4 and you're right on target.

  3. Too bad we live in that kind of world.


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