Divide and Conquer

: From Latin, divide et impera

Meaning :
  1. A combination of political strategies that aim to gain and maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.

  2. A strategy for achieving political control.

Why am I posting this ?

Because folks, you've been played.

Which is NOT to say that your thoughts, feelings, opinions, the boundaries you believe in, etc. are unjustified. I am NOT saying that.

I'm saying you've been played.

By the experts. Classic, classic strategy in politics to snatch back power: insert a wedge into the heart of your opponent's movement and split it wide open by dividing it's supporters.

It happened on Wednesday night.

You know what I'm talking about. If you don't, read MSV or HJ... both are on fire. Conjecture, accusations, flagellation, photos-- against our own... fanning disgust, apathy, fury-- at our own. I do not question the legitimacy, the validity, the motivation or truthfulness of anyone involved in the discourse. Trust me, I have my own opinions. But as the flames rise, I feel this strategic screwing must be recognized and the Big Picture implications considered.

Think I'm full of crap?

What have you heard from Occipiniti or his supporters?

What have you heard from Beth Mason?

What have you heard from the nj.com hornet's nest of political operatives who've been shilling for Occhipinti hard recently, like the insipid NadiaKeeps?

You've heard this:

On the other hand, today on H411, Mason and Occhipinti shill:

You see?

So, now you know who is sitting back and having a good laugh at us. Watching. Waiting.

I am not saying stop the discourse. I am saying stay on the rails and look at the Big Picture. Where we came from, where we are now. And this well-worn but wise saying which was sent to me yesterday:

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Let's not burn down the house just yet. As we hold our own accountable.

Watch out you might get what you're after
Cool babies strange but not a stranger
I'm an ordinary guy
Burning down the house


  1. GA

    As one who has been accused of being a fan flamer, and a foamer at the mouth, I understand your perspecitve. Actually put much more eloquently than any of the drivel elswhere as a reason to "take one for the team". I will think about it, as I respect what being a reformer has cost you.

  2. Thanks, Khoboken.

    For me, this is reminiscent of the 2000 election when many principled progressives said 'screw you' to the Democratic party, even wishing for them to lose so they'd "learn" something. Those words spoken by my Nadar-voting cousin who couldn't be persuaded (by me) that the other guy was a dangerous idiot. Well, years later he apologized to me, told me I was right, told me he regretted his vote. As I am sure many other protest-voters did. Who knew then the Boy-King would work out his Oedipal complex with American blood and a trillion taxpayer dollars?

    We have to make our people better from within and if they are not serving us well, get rid of them. But letting the 'worse' guys in to punish our own is not acceptable- to me.

    Remember that bit of theater a few weeks back about the $15.9 million dollar bond ordinance for the municipal garage... the scare campaign launched by the Russo-Mason opposition... it seems far away now. Do we want to hand THEM the keys?

    I appreciate what you said.

  3. GA

    Very good analogy and no they will not get the keys. Perry Belfiore reminded me today how odious the Old Guard really can be in an exchange with me earlier today which actually helped refocus my thoughts. I do see the greater good but you still may have to talk me down. Am not happy at all.

  4. Thanks, GA. Keep keeping it real.

  5. Until we put superficial judgement to rest, we'll always be in trouble


  6. Indiecom

    Am familiar with that site and disagree with alot of what is written. Also you seem to be missing the point that GA is making, i.e the roles that spoiler, distraction and anti vote can have in an election. The source you cite only discusses votes cast for Nadar, not the overall affect that he had in the election, both in Florida outside of Florida.

  7. Back at ya, IndieCom:

    http://2act.org/p/33.html :

    "The Bottom Line on the Spoiler Effect in 2000

    * It is extremely likely that Ralph cost Gore the Election in Florida.
    * He may well have thrown the New Hampshire race, but chances are slightly better than even that he did not.
    * Before the election you can't tell, but we know for sure that, if the race is close again, there is a very good chance Nader will throw it again.

    Nader cites the Democratic poll most often because it indicates the least damage. But it is also one of the least if not the least reliable. Even if the poll is the best indication of Florida voters, without Nader, Gore would have gotten 13% of 97,000 more votes than Bush from Nader voters, and would have won by 12,000 votes instead of losing by 537.

    Gore needed to gain a 32% advantage from Nader's voters to take New Hampshire, but only the Senate voting indicates this much advantage. Still, it would have been so close that we really can't be sure."

    Indie, I guess we'll agree to disagree.

  8. GA

    Had to run to the office and did not have time to pull up the rebuttal. Great job. Why is Indie trying to stick to you? I say trying, because the attempt was lame. Kind of like Mo saying that idiot satirist was "Spot on" or something close to that.

  9. GA- I tend to give your opinion a great deal of weight. And with that in mind, I will temper my posts a bit. But I think at this point many people are angry (Kurt's poll has 24 to 2 on one board per person). The way to make this go away is a public mea culpa from Mike and Tony and Tony stepping down from one of the boards.

    Unless you think there's a better way?

    But if we just let this pass, and don't hold our allies to the same (or higher) standards we hold our enemies to, what does that make us?

  10. Gore lost because he lost his home state of Tennessee. Last time that happened was when Nixon trounced McGovern (he lost South Dakota and won only Massachusetts)way back in 1974. If you can't win your home state, don't run. Voting has consequences, but so do votes.I agree with Katie. One person one board seat.

  11. GA

    Have you seen the latest drivel from Al Sullivan in the HR? I was actually speechless, dribbling some coffee as I read it. Finboy is back and clerly is aiming his teeth at you. For any number of reasons the aritcle is incredibily unturthful, disineguous and reaveals Al to be the ultimate polticial hack that will publish any story that the Old Gaurd network of poltical "consultants" give to him. I think that it is time that da Horsey blow that little piece of Weehawken fish shit to smithereens.

    BTW, good to see you here KS. Kind of a nice and comfy place.

  12. What a ridiculous kerfuffle.

    Another chapter in the ongoing saga/soap opera: "Hoboken: The Mile Square Inpatient Unit."

    Perhaps chalk it up to the excess ozone....

  13. Well, I just got in from the day out... thanks for the heads-up khoboken on the hit job.

    What an ASS... this is the 3rd time that paper has erred in calling me"Zimmer-appointed" (should be City Council). For G-d's sake. The only thing that tabloid is good for a litter-box walk-off mat.

    Advice wanted, people: contact the jerk, or let it go?

    Of course... he doesn't bother mentioning that Fish-boy is an aide to the mayor of Weehawken.

    OK, time to watch a video w/my sweet Little Avenger... later, y'all.

  14. Thanks for the link GA and, of course, we can agree to disagree, including on how I see the that link as just another example of the superficial judgement problem, completely ignoring all the other issues sited in the first link. It's just so much easier to tie it all up into one neat little (spoiler) bow, isn't it? -- by the way, KHoboken -- I understand what GA is talking about -- I just think it's sad that we always seem to be voting for the "least worst."

  15. While this issue is complicated, a tip of the hat to GA for reminding us that the most important thing is to keep our eye on the ball. Thank you.

  16. GA

    I would ordinarily say contact him and confront him. But I think at this point it would be an exercise in futility. It is obvious that he has not first hand knowledge of that has been written on any forums and is just regurgitating a plant ed story spin likely by Fin Boy, a "credible source" to him. I think that a different approach needs to be taken, something that will actually shred Al's credibility. I think it is time to expose him as the lazy hack that he is.

  17. khoboken, I emailed Al this morning... set him straight on several fronts, so now he is the wiser unless he chooses to be spun. If he has a shred of ethics, he'll own up to being spun like a top.

    I decided to reply to him because it's going to get worse for me, I think... this is all about the 4th Ward race, and the focus on MY blog as opposed to HJ and MSV- both have recently produced some pretty sharp satire-- means they're gunning for me... so I must be doing something RIGHT.

    The ops are dumb as rocks.... they only drive more traffic and attention to this little blogspot... the Al spin-job has fin-prints all over it.

    Remember what the fishy Weehawken dimwit said on his MySpace page:

    "I found my calling in the political world. I enjoy being the hired gun who does the things that make people hate and enjoy politics all at the same time."

    He also listed his occupation as : "Spinmeister/ Hired Gun'.

    I will likely write a blog response as well, but when I can find the time later.

  18. GA

    A couple of thoughts. You are probably right to respond directly. The pieces is obviously a plant by Fin Boy and is a lame attempt to settle his score with you. It is going to get worse. This piece actually tipped the scales for me in terms of the TS appointment blow-up.I am still not happy at all, but am determined that these slime balls not get the 4th ward seat. Done. Al's piece seems to be directed at the part of Hoboken that is not likely to be computer savvy, i.e. the "Old Guard" and represents to me the growing irrelevance of traditional print media and old school journalists such as Al, Augie, the JJ and HR. The web has devastated old school media. Only those companies like the Washington Post that embraced web and blog journalist are doing ok financially. Drudge (love him or hate him) blew up the concept of traditional media to dominate a news cycle, which stared with CNN. Every time the JJ has to reprint a "correction" it becomes less credible and relevant. So let's see if Al has to admit to being spun again. Any self respecting journalist would be humiltiated by now at how ill served they have been by their traditional old school sources.

    Go GA! You rock!


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