The Bard Returns

Look who's back!

Ye favorite minstrel of unsavory rhyme... he, himself: the lout, the sinner, the ham sandwich...

The Bard of Hoboken!

Yes, our Lord of Limericks has returned with swift wit in hand and large foot in mouth; thy Kurt runneth over.

Gather people, to taste the fruits of his labor:

Shark Fin Soup

The shark is a lark,

With no bite and all bark,
he tries so hard,
to operate in the dark.

But with Pinkers he picked a fight,
and now her blog is shining the light,
Da Shark is now thrashing in the fray,
as he has been so thoroughly beaten up by GA.

Sharkie is low brow, boorish and evil,
and needs to be squashed like a bug,
He is beyond therapeutic help and squirms like a weevil,
and his anger can't be quelled with a hug.

Sharkie doesn't like transparency,
and can't take the heat of his fins in the soup,
and one thing is for sure,
like Lane Bajardi he can't handle poop.


  1. I was kidding about that cod piece Pinkers!:) You still need to work on that inner censor but thanks much for the poetry plug.

  2. Oh Gawd... did you think I took that seriously? Puh-leeeze, just funnin' ya, Big Guy!

    Hey, you're still waxing poetic about the GA 'turd'... so lighten up, buckaroo!


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