
Do you play Scrabble?

I do. Love the game. And I can still beat my 7 year-old at it, although she's catching up quickly.

I played by myself today, and ran right into the greatest challenge of the game: the limited number of each letter.

To see what I mean, see below, a pic I took during my game:

Can you see the problem?

Scrabble comes with only (1) letter 'k'... so in order to spell "Weehawken", "paid hack" and "stalker" you run into an obvious problem. The solution: using one of the (2) blank tiles that come with the game.

Again, you can see that I ran into the same problem with the letter 's'. There are only (4) in the game. So in order to spell "Seton law", "nasty", "loser", "smear merchant", "stalker" and "busted"... you need to use one of those blanks again.

If you don't mind this kind of challenge, by all means, Scrabble is a lot of fun; it's a great way for kids to learn new vocabulary and improve their spelling.


  1. Comic genius has struck the land. Today has been one of the biggest for laughs I can recall in recent memory.

    This town is pulling itself up, forward with gusto. The energy of its citizens demand and deserve it.

    Events may overtake our town, but the people have the fight in them. It's showing up in different ways now all the time.

    Humor is the weapon of choice today. Impressive.

  2. This redefines "word play". GA, you really spell out how to be cross with your words with humor from square one. You don't play games when you address the gridlock of sarcasm across the board! Word: you really get down and get your message across!

  3. Pinkers has made her rebuttal in scrabble,
    in a counter to all this paid hack cyber-babble.


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