
Although Worth1000.com launched in 2002, it took a visit from my nephew, master of pop culture and all-things-internet, for his Auntie Museum-Piece to learn of it. Thanks, kid. And oh, it is cool. Whether or not you 'do' art or just like to look at it.

So, what is Worth1000.com? First and foremost, a contest site.

It started out with photo editing (photoshop) contests but has since expanded to the following categories: Photo Effects, Photography, Multimedia, Writing, and Corporate (win-win for corporations and designers: corporations solicit entries and award prizes, designers get prizes and portfolio stuffers).

The quality of the submissions is serious, mindblowingly good. Contests are at all levels, Beginner to Advanced, run concurrently each week and you can vote on entries as well. It is a place to get your work seen, read or to compete just for the challenge.

If contests are not your bag, then just visit the galleries.

My particular interest is the tutorials. With step-by-step instructions you can:

Learn How to Turn Tom Cruise into an Alien

by Johnrmcconnell

Learn to Make 'Lust'

by FaraZahar

This one was supposed to be easy, so I tried it: How to Draw Hair in Photoshop.

You start with this:
And end up with this:
by capriccio

Well, mine looked like something you'd find on the floor of a barn, but like Mom always said: practice, practice, practice. And, 'clean your room'.

Finally... for those who would like to do their own graphics but lack the software, the founders of this site offer a powerful, browser-based FREE graphics tool called Aviary. I had a looksy, very cool.

This clip is about a year old so it only mentions the photoshop contests:

If any of you folks out there have a cool web site you'd like to share with us, contact me: grafixavenger666@gmail.com.
