You're Invited...

to watch the ladies and gent of the new Kids First majority get sworn in. Hooray!

Tomorrow, Tuesday evening at 7pm... here's your invitation:

I'm guessing it will be a family affair; kids or significant others holding the Bible for their mother or wife or husband as they are sworn in.. an emotional moment in their lives, for each person standing up there will have sacrificed much for this. Especially the children. And their sacrifice has just begun. Time missed at work, time missed at home, all for an unpaid service to our community, our kids, their future.

I say without hesitation I am HONORED to know these ladies and that tall guy with the moustache, Leon. Smart as a whip,that guy. He even has a PhD. All of them have chosen this path for the right reasons and there is not a political itch amongst them. They are ready to do the hard, unglamorous work ahead. And I am so thankful for that.

I wish the entire School Board success in working together. The election is over. Let's move on.
