Markle's In!

Hoboken BoE President Rose Markle

Nerves were a little frayed in the schoolyard this morning wondering what news those envelopes sitting in the Hudson County Board of Elections would bring. Lurking in the darkest corners of our darkest thoughts: defeat snatched from jaws of victory.

Well, no such thing! is reporting that Rose Markle has edged out 4th-place John Madigan by 72 votes! Oh, thank goodness.

Clean Sweep confirmed.

Congratulations, Rose!


  1. Kids First ran an honest campaign,
    and stayed away from the insanity from Maureen and Lane,
    They won a in a clean sweep,
    Beat back Real Results and that Madigan creep,
    And only the public schools can gain.

  2. RG, I need a pic of you- a full body shot- so I can dress you up as The Bard, complete w/knickers and cod-piece.

  3. Writing Limericks for me is really a snap,
    Just don't publish photos featuring crap,
    I don't mind being a bard,
    but stay away from body shots since I'm 30% lard,
    But the idea of a cod-piece is by me zapped.

  4. YEAH!

    Final Nail in the Neo Nathanites Casket!

  5. They thought they were Tricky by staying away from Beth, and instead cozying up to her hubby Ricky, But they banked on attacks by Lin and Chick named Tucker hoping you were either Dim, or a sucker!

  6. whfewww! That was close!

    WTG Rose! WTG Kids First!

  7. There was a fine candidate named Markle,
    whose appeal to the voters did sparkle.

    When all votes were tallied,
    Hoboken's spirits were rallied,
    With Madigan alone in the darkle.

  8. Excellent Philip. You too can join the Reformerus Gianticus School of Bardom with your poetic gifts! :)


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