Crazy Man


  1. It seems like Lane is coming unhindged. He acted like a 5 year old- telling on his sister, wanting mommy and daddy to come in and punish the sibling.

  2. I think you may have hurt his feelings by not adding him to the poop punch! After all his friends are all there in the original and Perry got his own special poop punch bowl. It's not nice to play favorites Grafix Avenger. Next he'll accuse you of discriminating against short angry men with big booming buttery voices. The poop punch bowl should be open to all: let Lane in and put an end to poop punch bowl discrimination!

  3. He's blogging over at Revolt now, trying to stir outrage over the poop bowl pic. It hasn't caught fire yet. Maybe poop doesn't burn?

    I worry about his obsession with poop; perhaps he suffered some early childhood trauma with a dirty diaper. You think?

    Whatever it is, I wish him luck with on his poop-jihad. After all, it can only bring me traffic.


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