Elvis Rocks the House

Today's been so busy; I don't think I'll have time to write something, so relax and enjoy The Man shakin' that pelvis to one of my favorite tunes.

Love that hillbilly boy!


  1. I heard that this Prison Chorus may soon have an additional crooner

  2. This makes for a perfect 3 minute dance party! Thnx

  3. Enough guys. IF the situation was reversed do I think others would take glee, yes.

    I'm don't find any joy in seeing a man who has a wife and small child break down and I would think less of others who would.

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  6. FAP, I don't get it. I happen to love Elvis.

    The matter that you're referring is verboten on this blog. There is nothing funny about it.

    Have you ever seen 'Blue Hawaii"?


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