Beth Mason for Mayor!

A reader found this 'campaign video' which has languished on YouTube relatively unseen since November. Not anymore!

At the risk of having John Keim call me "declasse" again (oooh, that hurt), I have to say I laughed so hard I cried.

Who made this?

Please come forward: Your secret's safe with me, I just want to bask in your comic brilliance.

(*PROFANITY Warning- 'Beth' drops the F-bomb one time, so this is NOT kid or work-safe)


  1. John Keim called you "declasse"? Oh dear! Maybe you can enroll in his charm school, I heard it is quite good...

  2. Yes, it's true.

    What Mr. Keim doesn't know is that I'm a rebel from an upper crust, blue-blood gang of do-wells. Unlike Beth Mason who rose from humble roots, I started up there and fell down.

    In fact, my upbringing was so high-falutin', my family only ate with silver spoons which made me wonder where the forks were? Ever try to eat spaghetti with a spoon?

    And,I speak the Queens English- the borough of Queesns, that is.

  3. Well that's Okay, John Keim is really a Stevens- Keim and dontcha forget it!

  4. Omygod that's funny. God I wish I were mature enough not to laugh like an 8 year-old at that tongue kiss. No such luck.

  5. They burn, my eyes, they burn!! That tongue kiss is too much. I LOVE IT. Whomever did this is AWESOME! Way to go!!


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