Empty Tea Pot

Take 9 minutes and 52 seconds of your day to watch protesters on Capitol Hill 'explain' their opposition to the health care bill. The video was shot prior to its passing.

And you thought Hoboken's BoE race was getting rough.

Suzy Khimm for Mother Jones:

"Tea Partiers protesting the health care bill in Washington hurled racist and homophobic epithets at two Democratic Congressmen and then spat on a black Democratic legislator prior to President Obama's speech before House Dems this afternoon. Rep. John Lewis was called the N-word when he was on the floor of the House earlier today by a heckler from the Tea Party... Another protester spat upon Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, another black Democrat, as he was walking from the Longsworth House building to attend Obama's speech. In a separate incident, Rep. Barney Frank, who is openly gay, was called "faggot," also as he was leaving the Longsworth building."

And check out Sarah Palin's Facebook page: the 'you betcha!' Tea Party pin-up invites you to grab your rifle an' go git sum health care luvin' Democrat-sons-a-bitches!

From the The Huffington Post:

"Sarah Palin is targeting -- yes, with gun sights -- House Democrats facing tough reelection fights who voted for health care reform.

Palin's Facebook page now carries a map featuring 20 gun sights, one for each of the Democrats targeted this year by her political action committee SarahPAC. Three of the gun sights, those where incumbent Democrats have already announced their retirement, are colored red."

So this is what happens in America, folks (and right here in Hoboken) when Red Elephants don't get their way.

Do you recognize this country?


  1. Let's see the video where they yell the n word and such. So far nothing but the typical media slander.

    You LIE!

    And boy do they.

  2. Smarty, do you also want to see the video of the Dem. congressman's brother's propane gas line being cut? I'm guessing there were children in his home. Video of the Democratic congressmens' offices around the country being vandalized? Hundreds of death threats have been called in to House members who voted 'yes' on the health care bill- do you need video of the calls being made? Even FOX news has been covering this epidemic of Right-Wing extremist terrorism sweeping the nation. Ms. Palin Tweeted for her supporters to "Reload!", most unfortunate language given the outbreak of violence among her supporters.

    This behavior is really indefensible. And frightening.

  3. OMG! This is the Real Results group! They have opinions based on no facts. What a bunch of ignoramouses. This is truly frightening.


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