Novak Sandbags Hoboken

Hoboken's  Chamber of Commerce Board President, Mike Novak,  is caught  colluding with Mason411 again to bash the operations of our City.

Why does he do it?  

GA speculates he's looking for some Mason-style gratitude (ka-ching) when he runs for mayor against Dawn Zimmer.   

Work it,  girlfriend!  Shake that money-maker!

Again, the head of Hoboken's Chamber of Commerce  places his craven political ambitions ahead of the interests of Hoboken.  See for yourself.

Read the Hobobken Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement: 
The Hoboken Chamber of Commerce was established to advance a positive image of Hoboken as a supportive, clean and safe community to conduct business, live, shop, entertain.
  • Our emphasis is in promoting and advancing the commercial, professional, industrial, and civic interest of the community. The chamber will also lobby local, county, state and federal government to protect the interests of the city.
Now... read Novak's TWEET:

Umm... it gets worse.

Novak's TWEET links to his  own email account, on which he's written a press-release style excoriation of the Zimmer administration.  (ConstantContract is an online social media/ email marketing firm for businesses)

Then... in perfect lockstep, Mason411 delivers Novak's revelations as 'breaking  news'.  Oh, brother. Another Novak-Mason411 political operation.

At the top of his  message,  Novak the  serial tweeter breathlessly proclaims:

"State Finds City of Hoboken in Violation of Public Ethics and Contracting Laws..." 

Click here to read the  actual OSC (Office of State Comptroller) letter he's spun like a top.

Here are the facts.

While  the OCS has asked the City to prepare a detailed Action Plan of issues they identified required clarification in the letter, these were requested because according to the OCS, they were:
  • "unable to confirm"  
  • "couldn't verify" 
whether the procurement process for professional services vendors was compliant with public contracting law.

All the OCS letter is asking is for the City to furnish appropriate documentation going forward to 'prove' compliance. 

Novak's smoking gun is a water pistol.

What's he doing here? In hyperventilating fashion, he delivers stunning misinformation, trashing the City, fomenting division and incivility in public discourse which run counter to the mission statement of the business group he leads, the Hoboken Chamber of Commerce:

See what I mean?

Back to why he's tweeting his head off, disseminating bad information, colluding with smear-merchant Mason411.

You tell me.


  1. 1) Zimmer was sworn in Nov 6 of 2009. Expecting her to re-do bidding policy as acting mayor under the chaos of the Cammarano exit and 3rd mayoral race would be fairly loopy, even for someone with the complete set of I-Hate-Zimmer merit badges.

    2) The period in question in the state's letter is 2008/9, leaving Zimmer with about 2 months to account for.

    3) The letter goes on to state that required vendor scorecards were instituted January 2010.

    This is the same Novak who couldn't wait to tweet a picture of a clean intersection someplace in Union City after the blizzard (the same picture magically appeared concurrently in Mason411). Novak wanted to show what a poorly run town Hoboken is to do business in.

    And this is the President of the chamber of commerce?!? Could they find someone who puts more effort into damaging the city's reputation? What are they thinking over there? Don't you guys know a mole when you see one? Does he have to put a sign in front of his house saying "This town sucks, take your business elsewhere" ????

  2. Great summary Info. It 'Tained me. This twat and his tweets makes me question his cognitive capabilities. The letter says nothing as he describes. Either he is a lazy eff that did not even read the letter and bobbled his head and tweeted on cue, or he did read the letter, but did not understand its simple declarative statements. What a moron.

  3. It's a very sad state of affairs if the adolescent tweeting negative Novak is the best the chamber of commerce can find to lead local businesses and promote the city. Novak like Mason seems to be driven by a massive ego with one goal: self aggrandizement at any cost.

  4. Maiku

    red dyed
    diet pills
    love child
    toxic pacts
    bad judgment
    "happy endings"

  5. Oracle



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