What You Said... Petition Update

Remember bluejersey.com's  Red Flags: How much does it cost to buy an election in Hoboken?

And this graphic, slightly modified by GA?

One week ago this blog asked you to forward your name/address to be included in a petition asking NJ Attorney General Paula Dow to prosecute those suspected of 4th Ward voter fraud.

Response has been strong, and we are at 50% of our target.  If you haven't added your name- your information will not be shared- please click here.

Here some of the sentiments GA's received from petition signers:

"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it."

John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776
Hopefully I am only one of many many more Hoboken residents who have reached the tipping point.
prosecute election fraud in Hoboken, Hudson County AND New Jersey!
For the love of my ward and hoboken please add my name:
Can someone also look into the ridiculous number of votes Tim Occhipinti's received through absentee ballots.
This election was so rigged and I am ashamed to live in city/state where this has become a commonly accepted occurrence.
I am in support of the petition posted here: http://grafixavenger.blogspot.com/.
Thank you for taking the time to fight the crooks of Hoboken.
 committed to justice
Sent another email with mine and X's information. We should start placing jail bars over Timmy O's face in all subsequent publications.

That said, proving fraud beyond a reasonable doubt beyond a reasonable doubt is challenging.  You'll need folks to squeal and in doing so demonstrate that someone had actual knowledge or execution of fraud with that intent. If anything, I'd put resources into getting folks to squeal. This whole drama will turn on whether that will happen.
Can  you see from this random sampling the outrage out there with the recent tainted 4th Ward election?  Your neighbors want justice. 

If you would like to see the end of rampant voter fraud in Hoboken  please join this effort by sending your name and address to be added to a list attached to this:

Criminal referrals are sitting on Dow's desk now.  We're asking for action.  Please add  your name.


  1. It's good to see the support continuing. I hope Rami realizes the importance of getting his network, friends and family on board and reaching out the the AG. No matter how hard he works and campaigns, spotting the opponent 550 votes/"campaign workers" will be extremely difficult to overcome.


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