
Remember that word?

Lovingly coined in an SNL skit as a dig at our Word-Mangler-in-Chief, it's become part of the American lexicon.  

The Urban dictionary defines 'strategery' this way:

4. N. An ill-conceived and/or poorly-executed plan of action (which would be considered "strategy" were it not so ill-conceived and/or poorly-executed).

Some Mason-Russo strategery launched at the Dec. 15 City Council meeting was such a dud--  inferring  Zimmer's allies are racists-- it's been left roadside.

What?  You've forgotten about that?

Watch this:

Phew, thank goodness my name ends in a consonant.  Or was that a bad thing?

And was it better to be a Star-Bellied Sneetch or to have none upon thars?

Lane Bajardi could learn a lot from Dr. Suess.

Substitute "Star-Bellied Sneetches" with 'names ending with a vowel'  and "Plain-Bellied Sneetches" with 'names ending with a consonant'..   And substitute "children" with 'Lane Bajardi':
The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss is excellent for discussing issues of prejudice and discrimination with children. When the Star-Bellied Sneetches and the Plain-Bellied Sneetches treat one another disrespectfully because of simple stars on their bellies, one is forced to question the absurdity of such prejudice. Though most people would agree that discriminating based on stars on a creature’s belly is silly, we can come to a better understanding of the nature of prejudice and discrimination through discussing questions of metaphysics. 

 See what I mean?

I guess it doesn't really matter whether your belly's got a star or your name's got a vowel at the end... somebody tell you-know-who.  And his employer on the City Council.

So, fast forward to Monday night,  where a brand-new City Council majority strategery was dropped with a similar 'thud' and spread through the  blogs like a staph infection.   Here's their strategery in a nutshell
  • ALL critical discourse directed at the Council of the Unappetizing whether live, in-person at the City Council or  on the Internet are directives from City Hall.
  • Individuals who criticize the Council of the Unappetizing are following directives from City Hall.
  • Therefore, such critics shall be ATTACKED either live, in-person (i.e.; Melissa Papparone)  or on the Internet-- OUTING bloggers, for one.
To sum it up, here is the new, unappetizing strategery:   shoot the messenger AND the  message.

Another DOA stinker from the Bavarian-Pretzel mind of Mason-Operative Bajardi.

Because denouncing speech that you don't like, and attacking the critic-- assassinating his/her character by  calling them a Zim-bot aims to stifle criticism , discourage or intimidate free speech.  Which is fundamentally unAmerican.

A little fascism brought to you by the folks who cry "fascist!" and "anti-Semite!"when it is politically expedient to do so. 

Standard Mason-Bajardi strategery.


  1. Mason411 has always been, dare I say it, smart about mentioning other blogs. That is - they never do. The minute they say MSV sucks or HJ blows, they'll have people heading over to those sites, and the smart ones won't come back. Even when they went after you they were careful never to mention the site; they linked to NJDC instead.

    This actually works for them. Mason411 is effectively the North Korea of the web. They control what you hear, how it's reported; they pretend their competition cowers before them and isn't worth mentioning. At this point - and apologies in advance to anyone to whom it doesn't apply - their readership is in the dim-witted to morbidly gullible range. So it doesn't matter all that much what their fed as information. They'll eat it.

    But going around outside of North Korea and peddling a story that the blogs are run by Zimmer is a really stupid idea. Really stupid. They are not talking to a closed audience of bloggers or already-decided voters at cc meetings. They are talking to undecided voters who haven't checked out the blogs.

    And in the vast majority of cases they will not buy Mason's spoon-fed conclusion that Zimmer runs the blogs. Moreover they will find the blogs exceedingly damaging to any case for Mason. Conversely - perversely - they willdraw the conclusion that Mason411 is controlled for political purposes, fears dialog, and pretends the outside world doesn't exist.

    It is still somehow surprising how little these people comprehend about human nature. The ravaging insularity of money perhaps. But if you want to get people to check out something they haven't checked out before, just tell them not to do it.

    The "trust me - don't read the blogs" message is a gift to Mason's opponents. Like the rest of her political career.

  2. I don't know how to respond. Mayor Zimmer hasn't given me my marching orders today.

  3. More questions.
    Well here we go -the vowel at the end thing - "p1y" ends in a "y" so does that mean I am sometimes incompetent?

    And why hasn't anyone at City Hall gotten back to me about the job application I requested for the blogging position? Is it something I said?

    Two statements.
    I must be really unobservant because to my knowledge I have read a fair amount of the blogs in question and have never seen anything homophobic or anti-Semetic on the blogs in question.

    And if someone is controlling my mind, they are one sick, twisted puppy with a third grade sense of humor. Stop it.

  4. Great news, Eric Kurta has filed his ELEC papers to run for 1st ward city council (against Castellano). You go, Eric!

  5. Eric rocks, and that's all there is to it.

    Thanks for posting this, HobokenReformer.


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