GA has a reasonable basis to believe that 2nd Ward Councilwoman Beth Mason is silently backing Carmelo Garcia's 6th Ward campaign, with a drumbeat of "in-kind" negative mailers funded through the backdoor by 'Real Democrats For Hoboken."
Oh yeah, this just in from the Dark Side...
Beth Mason is "business partners" with political operative James Barracato; each "owns or controls" a 50% share of a bar in Weehawken called 'Cooper Place, LLC.""Barracato is running Carmelo's campaign."
Well, this came in my mailbox yesterday, "Paid for by Real Democrats For Hoboken, P.O. Box 3143, Hoboken NJ":
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Giattino is shown holding a beer- the pic was taken at her 2011 victory party. |
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Note, the Hudson Reporter quote is dated "7/3/2011". Giattino was inaugurated 2 days earlier on July 1, 2011. |
This came in my mailbox today, "Paid for by Real Democrats For Hoboken, P.O. Box 3143, Hoboken NJ":
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GA confirmed:NO SUCH VOTE WAS RECORDED on existing 02/06/2013 meeting minutes. Hoboken City Council has no legal authority to "ban assault weapons." |
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Once again, Hoboken has no legal authority to "ban assault weapons and high ca. Here is who the arepacity magazines." |
WHO are the "Real Democrats For Hoboken"?
A local political committee that has filed with ELEC for every year since 2011. Their ELEC filings appear to be incomplete and sporadic for all years, 2011-2015.
These are the officers of "Real Democrats for Hoboken" from the beginning to the present:
GA is curious why "Real Democrats for Hoboken" used a P.O. Box on their "Paid for" instead of their REGISTERED address?
Could it be the Officers of "Real Democrats for Hoboken" don't want to be associated with a dishonest, smear campaign?
"Real Democrats for Hoboken" Committee Chairman John Keim and Treasurer, Ines Keim, will be expected to provide a full financial accounting for their payment of these fliers.
IMO, too many people dismiss Ines Garcia-Kiem and her husband as just a simple minded stooges of Beth Mason.
ReplyDeleteThey are highly experience purveyors and enablers of the the toxic filth and divisiveness have been a festering cancer on Hoboken for years.
Naw, they're stooges. I once witnessed a conversation between Ines and another person and temporarily lost 8 IQ points.
DeleteJust like another infamous couple in town, the social Keimers are stand-ins for the Mason's dirty work. Everything that is sick and wrong in Hoboken leads to them. You can't wash off that kind of stink.
ReplyDeleteSigns have gone up advertising a fundraiser for the Hudson School at the Mason's mausoleum. It amazes me that organizations in town don't realize the damage it causes to their reputations when they are in bed with those who have bred so much ill will.
Maybe they'll piggyback one charitable event onto another, more personal occasion and get a nice tax deduction.
The giattinos need to get on the phone with a lawyer immediately and see about suing the "Real Democrats" and all of their officers
ReplyDeleteBad news travels fast. Or is this good news ?
ReplyDeleteWord of the Mason backdoor connections to Garcia being exposed is spreading across the 6th Ward like wild fire.
Giattino's people didn't need any more reasons to get out the vote on Tuesday but the just got one in the mail.
Word is a Mason flier is coming attacking Giattino for leaving the ward temporarily after Sandy wrecked her house.
DeleteThe "joined ISIS" one should arrive Monday
DeleteWell, if you did;t think Carmelo and Mason were scum before, now you know
Joe Branco tried roll that ball of dung uphill for his boy Carmelo and it drove him into hiding.
DeleteThe insanity of putting that kind of attack on a mailer with your name on it to a Ward made up of people who themselves had to rebuild after Sandy show staggering stupidity.
It only shows how desperate Carmelo is at this point with nothing positive to run on, he rolls around in the mud to a voting public that already considers him dirty.
Not likely Mr. Carmelo will put his name on the mailer, it will get sent out under Mason's GFF Ines Garcia-Kiem's attack PAC.
DeleteI knew Beth Mason couldn't keep her filthy hands out of Hoboken politics.
ReplyDeleteThe putrid stench that comes off of people like Mason, Garcia, Garcia- Keim and Barrcatto proceeds them into the room and lingers long after they have left.
Well who in Hoboken is shocked Beth Mason is going out like a total jerkoff?
ReplyDeleteThe ugly negative attacks with the lies strewn everywhere; this is a job for Beth Mason's political operative henchmen and Carmelo Garcia.
On Tuesday Hoboken needs to flush them all away. Permanently. They're disgusting.
The Keims have signed their names, literally, to this filth. They've taken official responsibility for this hate. Their acts are disgusting and, by extension, so are they. How can they show their faces in public after something like that? Sick.
ReplyDeleteYou assume they were well liked before this
DeleteThey weren't
The Keims own this. Who gave them the money?
ReplyDeleteAnyone still wondering why scumbag didn't file his ELEC reports? Don't want certain inflows and outflows showing for a while.
ReplyDeleteCALL TO ARMS!!!!!!! Call your neighbors and friends tonight. Email them as well. Tell them to vote for the following:
ReplyDelete1st Ward Mike DeFusco
2nd Ward Tiffanie Fisher
3rd Ward Write in the candidate name Solomon Dwek in the Personal Choice section
4th Ward Dana Wefer
5th Ward Peter Cunningham
6th Ward Jen Giattino
School Board Tom Kluepfel, Sheila Dallara, Addys Velez.
These Beth Mason smear fliers were posted in Brooklyn. What's up with that? Somebody ask Ines.
ReplyDeleteEdweirdo was the treasurer in 2012. All complete scumbags.
ReplyDeleteQuality of Life and the Historical Museum of Hoboken should seriously consider asking the Kreims to walk away. Their mere involvement is tainting the organizations.
I'm in agreement. Ines should be asked to resign from the QLC board.
DeleteShe's already been fined once by ELEC for reporting violations in Mason's 2009 campaign filings. Now this. The three mailers cost north of $15k with more to come. Wheely Ines?
He's John KREIM, not to be confused with John Holmes. Instead of having a big dick, he IS one!
ReplyDeleteOh and before you think about getting that rich bitch who has you on a short leash like a little lapdog for all that help she gave you over the years to fund a defamation suit for me calling you a dick, just remember that to be defamation, something has to be demonstrably false. Instead, the opposite is true - you're provably a dick, and that's actually a compliment. Most folks in this town would rather be called a dick than a Keim - that's become one of those names you have to spit after saying to clean your mouth out.
DeleteThe fliers have Beth's dumbass fingerprints all over them.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, they don't make any sense taken as a whole. They amount to throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks.
She's being attacked for refusing a "tax cut." She's a republican. If there was a 25% tax cut that made any sense she would have been all over it.
But that was one of Beth's scams. Ice cream for dinner - shit-canning the surplus for a one-time party and ruining the city's bond-rating.
She's also being attacked for being against an assault weapons ban.
But that was also a Beth scam. Remember when she was leaving office she listed joining her name to a meaningless, unenforceable petition drive in the Daily News as her greatest accomplishment in office? Perry Klaussen printed it and mocked it. Typical Beth - listing her greatest accomplishment as something of no meaning or value to the city or her ward.
But she also knows that Giattino asked for a definition of an assault weapon, didn't get one, and wouldn't sign it.
In other words, Beth has put 2 fliers in the streets to hit Giattino for not going along with 2 of her bullshit stunts.
Good for Giattino.
Fuck off, Beth. Take Barracato with you. It will be extra sweet beating your two stupid asses one last time. Ditto those worthless hypocrites the Keims doing what they do best - putting lipstick on the pig that is your entire public life.
Barracato's a capital L LOSER. Mason's done. Burned his bridge to Fulop. Sucking up to The Wire now as if there's gonna be some miraculous second act for that clown. Keep your eyes peeled, you might just spot him selling slim jims at a Quik Check at some Parkway rest stop pretty soon.
DeleteBeth is the kindest, warmest human being I've ever known. She promised she will not rest until my wife, Inez Cashola Krime is the second ward council person, by hook or by crook and Beth keeps her promises!
ReplyDeleteWe really don't care and certainly not for what any of you do gooder asshole Zimmeristas say. Inez and I with the Berjerdeez infiltrated every good organization in Hoboken and turned it to shit. None of them layed a glove on Beth, certainly not POG, may it rest in peace.
My wife has done more good for Hobroken than any of you put together. She led the way for people like Beth to return the $25 million surplus but that idiot Jen Gackitiino stopped her. Now we lead the effort to give Hobroken what it truly deserves: Carmelo Garcia!
Ok, I have to go drive her to an event tonight honoring Ma $5 bucks-a-tow Russo. Inez is emcing the event and delivering the Benediction in Puerto Rican with Carmelo.
Inez is just one short breath away from moving up the Hoboken Krime Family!
Tonight's going to be one helleva Krime Spree!
Best Johnny Kreim moment was when he accused Zimmer of saving the hospital for "a laudable accomplishment going into an election year." Duh! You mean doing a good job so you get to keep your job? Great insight, genius!
ReplyDeleteI love that Jen girl more seeing her with that beer. Hoboken's kind of councilwoman!
ReplyDeletePlus, she's not hard on the eyes either;)
Ines Keim is not hard on the eyes either, said no one ever.
DeleteIn Beth's mind she's the new Maurice. She's showing you all that she always had a great gameplan. City council sneak attacks, planting stories and the servant media, 4th grade level dirty tricks by finboy. She's putting the band back together!
ReplyDeleteBut the band sucks. And everyone hates the band. Otherwise, great idea, Beth! Idiot.
Beth, Finboy and the Hair need to be deposed by Defendants in the Carmelo case. Bet you Finboy orchestrated the dump for witch Mason. In exchange for getting her paws on the Grossbard emails Beth threw Carmelo the mailers. What does Finboy get? A paycheck from Boss Mason.
ReplyDeleteSQuid pro quo.
Makes sense to me. One thing's for sure about Barracato, that guy is D-U-M-B DUMB!
DeleteWhere are those aholes who always tell us you have to read the papers + the blogs?
ReplyDeleteThis is why. This story will never be in the paper. Nor will the coming story of this years vbm scandal. Not until it's too late.