left: "Citizens for Accountability" pay for cranky page 2 ad in the Hoboken Reporter, right: "Citizens for Accountability" sponsor cranky Facebook page and web site, Hobrokennj.com

Election time pop-up "Citizens for Accountability" (CFA) asks in their full page ad this week, "What is broken in Hoboken?"

The ad links to a companion website, HobrokenNJ.com, which links to a Facebook page, "Citizens for Accountability."

The group's ad, web site and Facebook page serve a litany of cranky, dumbed-down complaints, factoids, lies and spin in plain language with lots of exclamation points!!!!   I mean it!!!!  CFA's work product shares the same crotchety, hemorrhoidal tone as Hoboken411!!!!   The collective discourse sounds like bingo night at a nursing home!!!!!  My soup is cold!!!  There's a pit in my prune!!!!  It's too sunny outside!!!!!

 "Citizens for Accountability" offers no solutions while it brazenly solicits donations. 

Donations to whom?  If "Citizens for Accountability" is about accountability, then why aren't they accountable to name WHO (people) or WHAT (entities) are behind them?
GA asks, "What is broken in Citizens for Accountability?"

Take a look at their business status report  from the NJ Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services.

This is the definition of an ANONYMOUS SHADOWY INTEREST GROUP.

People, do NOT donate a SINGLE PENNY to this nameless, faceless  group from God-knows-where trying to influence Hoboken's election outcome. 

Press the "Ignore" button.

There is no reason to LISTEN to "Citizens for Accountability" if they won't tell us WHO they are.


  1. 1, it's a bunch of realtors and hostile to rent control.

    2, it's linked and liked by Gonzalez and Biancamano.

    3, are Gonzalez and Biancamano hostile to rent control, or us this just another case if didn't bother to figure out who it was as long as they were anti-admin?

    1. I'd be shocked if Peter and Eduardo weren't canoodling with this group.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Really? I remember Tony being a decent guy, really sad if he's aligning with the darkside by supporting this kind of crap.

    2. He certainly did right by GA and Horse when they had a frivolous lawsuit filed against them. I would hope if he knows something he will post here with some details. He may not be 100% happy with the mayor but I would hope he would avoid pop-up groups such as this

      He may be liking the page to monitor it

    3. Wow GA, you seem to allow attacks on those most loyal to you, and like what "anon at 4:15 said, you got quite a bit of help from those being attacked
      Really, liking" a face book page is now what reform monitors?
      This is textbook Bajardi/Klaussen. You're all becoming victims of your captors.
      FTR, Peter Cunningham is a card carrying member of the ASTA from the early years ... You people need to loo before you leap.

    4. Look before you like, because "liking" something on Facebook has meaning and anyone who has been on the net should know that.

    5. Anon @ 10;02, I am not babysitting this blog 24/7. Nobody is monitering facebook, drama queen. Spew all you like about me, who gives a shit? sticks and stones and shame on you. So much for "most loyal." That's not what I hear.

  3. It's David Liebler. Check his facebook page and the style of the content.

    1. It's dumb enough to be Liebler but there aren't enough typos.

    2. Well if it isn't him, he sure does love them. That is a big fat negative in my book. He has a great nose for picking the real slimebag in any race in town.

    3. Not true. David doesn't URSA or Beth Mason for anything but money. He likes the OG cuz they pay.

  4. There was bound to be some BS like this. I'm sure the Old Guard candidates will deny who it is but surely they know

    All the more reason for everyone to get off your a$$ and not only vote yourself but to drag your neighbors to the polls and their friends too

    Donate time and money if you can as well

  5. Three guesses with upper Hudson Street family paid for the full-page ad, first two guesses don't count.

  6. It's MSTA and the Liberty Board of Realtors. Aiming up the ladder a little bit this time around. They tried not once, but twice, (both at the polls and in the courtroom) to end any rent protections that do any real protecting in Hoboken. (Fortunately there were enough good residents that saw through their anti-rent control nonsense from all sides.)

    Now it's the bigger & broader umbrella of "lost real estate opportunities" in Hoboken. Attendees at this little event will, undoubtedly, be treated to a litany of stuff about highest & best uses for land. Comparisons with some of the sizable projects happening in the much more sizable Jersey City. The cost of land acquisition for parks and all the better ways it can be done with just a few 30+ story buildings. The unreasonableness of any requirements for any affordability in any development project. The lost tax revenue from rent control and from smaller, older properties and how the changes to the zoning code (changing the max height from 3.79 to 4 stories in R-1, R-2 & R-3) don't go near far enough. How the city wastes tax dollars fighting big development projects, appealing rulings on land values, fighting any case brought against the rent control ordinance and upholding the 10% inclusion for affordable units. Then they'll tie it all up with a bow by explaining how Hoboken's only possible real saviors for addressing infrastructure or any other problems are the development and real estate investment community that will lead our city into a great and profitable future and who, in their view, are the only real good guys.

    There, I just saved anyone thinking about attending the $150 registration fee.

    AND....after all is said and done - any candidate that dares to actually win the Nov 3rd election that they don't like, better have a pretty sizable victory or there will suddenly be "pop-up" residents contesting that victory in the courtroom.

  7. A digital midnight flyer from the "citizens" for "accountability".
    Making money on it is a nice touch. I am sure there is a way to see how much they collect. Right?

  8. The MSTA is supporting Giatinno and Cunningham. Just sayin'
    Keep up the attacks, I'm sure you idiots will ruin it for them again and cause them problems.
    The rage in the 5th ward today over the bollards all over is a disaster for Cunningham. Maybe you folks need to get Zimmer and Crew on the same page because Cunningham is blasting The Mayor's HPU director, maybe that's why she's not sharing the laughable "$14,000" she raised for her 4 and 1/2 member council slate

    1. Nope, Just say'n

      It must suck t have yet another expensive dirty plan explode in your face.

    2. @10:08, what form is that "endorsement" taking? Money? Emotional support? Nothing on their page about it, not letter to the editor. Maybe you are an insider.

      As far as Zimmer's "laughable $14,000" goes, I'm sure she could get more if she jumped in bed with violently anti-rentcontrol groups like you have. Until then she'll have to depend on people who pay out of their own pockets rather than from profits they hope to make by turning the city into Newport II.

    3. anon@10:08...i live in the 5th ward, believe me there is absolutely no "rage" here against anything done or said by peter cunningham. people like and respect him very much and are strongly behind his reelection.

      either you don't know what you're talking about or you are a shill/troll. have a nice day.

    4. The post is a about a FAKE pop-up organization, "Citizens for Accountability" interfering in our election, whomever is behind it. Why don't the groups/persons identify themselves if this is all on the 'up and up' instead of pretending to be "accountable" when clearly they are hiding in shadows. Do any of these "citizens" live in Hoboken?

    5. Another thing, if "Citizens for Accountability" is MSTA and the Liberty Board of Realtors, why are they soliciting the public's $$$? What is the $$$ FOR? The "Citizens for Accountability" are not accountable for their use of the public's money?

    6. There's no evidence they are.

    7. Anon 9:36 AM- correct. "If" is a supposition based on a few previous comments. I don't know who they are. The people behind it don't want others to know WHO they are. WHY not? Where's the "accountability?" The whole thing reeks.

  9. METS WIN !!! 5-2 N R 3-0

    1. We can deal with the Reform double agents tomorrow.
      GO METS!

  10. Searched the address found that this buidling is listed as an address for insurance companies and several of the agencies are in care of corporation trust co.
    below is an agency that provides services to business who need instate registered agents:
    New Jersey Registered Agent Services
    If you form your business or register in New Jersey, you must designate an in-state Registered Agent and Registered Office. You can trust CT to handle your critical state and legal documents correctly.
    corporation trust received one review:
    "These scum bags represent American Home Shield
    If you live in New Jersey and you need to sue American Home Shield like I am then you need to fill out your small claims court documents with address from Corporation Trust Company, 820 Bear Tavern Road, West Trenton, New Jersey 08628

    so i continued to do some digging on the address: and came across lawsuits (it looks as though insurance companies use that address???- Anyway, the first one was a name that sounded familiar- john Paff? http://ogtf.lpcnj.org/2014/2014272pv/PaffvFD3.pdf .
    I then searched john paff hoboken nj, and found another odd link/hoboken coincidence:
    Board of Directors - - New Jersey Foundation for Open ...
    John P. Schmidt, Vice President – As an open government advocate, John is ... John Paff, Treasurer — John has advocated for governmental transparency for .... Elizabeth (Beth) Mason – In addition to being Hoboken City's Second Ward ...

    what this all means? I don't know.
    But sure as heck doesnt seem like anything i would get involved with.

  11. Thankfully total hacks created this organization.
    They were so ham handed in their way over the top attacks on Zimmer they became unbelievable and ended up hurting the candidates they were trying to help.

  12. Speaking of Broken, how about a brain that functions in a very strange way. Apparently someone believes the Mayor plans on using Homeless people to pump up the numbers of people in the bike share program. Evil Genius that Zimmer!!! A regular Lex Luthor


    Mel B
    October 13, 2015 at 6:25 pm
    Yje Mayor proved she was not responsive to needs of the community when she and her majority council voted down a housing grant that was strongly supported by the Community. She has plans to use the homeless to participate in a bike program which will inflate her utilization number so she can claim victory.

    1. Ah, good old Blanco for the win!

    2. The Nutty Buddy of Hoboken's Dark Siders.

    3. "Ahhh yes, we'll get the homeless to ride bikes all over town. That's what will win the people!! Muhahahahaha"


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