Killer Combo

According to an article in today's PolitickerNJ, Carmelo Garcia's camp is rolling out their 6th Ward candidate as a "killer combo."

GA thinks that's a terrific metaphor for a political candidate, because everybody loves a 'killer combo'.  For example,  who doesn't love these killer combos: lettuce and tomato, mustard and ketchup, spaghetti and sauce...

The "killer combo" that Garcia reminds GA most of is ham and cheese.

Yep, give him a mic, and you'll see.  He can, he will, watch him!

Well you know, GA lives in the 6th Ward;  I will be paying close attention to this race.   That's why I found the quote from the Garcia camp so facinating...

“To be honest, no one has seen Giattino much,” said a Hudson source close to Garcia. “Carmelo is actually gaining traction, due to his highly visible nature. When you combine his natural personability but also his intellect, its a killer combo. Formidable support is lining up behind him – hes a new generation guy with deep roots in Hoboken. Another killer combo.” 

"No one has seen Giattino much....  

Where are we supposed to see her-  on a bar stool at Room 84?  She's at City Council meetings, doofus.  Where 6th Ward residents want her to be.

"Carmelo is gaining traction...."

No, he's not.   It's mid-July and my ward is dead quiet... nobody is paying attention to local politics. Nobody except for political junkies.

Giattino is diametric opposites of  Carmelo the Killer Combo.   She is modest, works without fanfare, shuns  bullhorns, slogans, and self-promotion.  She quietly goes about her volunteer community service and acts of  charity.

Bullhorns, crowds from other wards and "formidable support" don't impress us in the 6th Ward.  Neither do fictitious Harvard resumes.  That's why next November, the 6th Ward may eat ham and cheese but we won't vote for it.

We can, we will, watch us!

OOPS!  Garcia campaign changes location after being called out on GA.  


  1. Which genius gave Politicker the KILLER COMBO quote?

    1. I'd like to thank him. We're going to get lots of mileage out of that! #dumbass

    2. It is almost factually accurate. The man nearly killed the HHA.

  2. "I sucked on the Board of ED almost as much as I did running the HHA. What can I say, KILLER COMBO!!"

  3. I ran the Hoboken Board of ED into the ground as well as the HHA. I like to call that.... My KILLER COMBO

  4. "I got booted from State Assembly for embarrassing Brian Stack and fired from HHA, yet another KILLER COMBO!!"

  5. "I didn't notice meth labs in HHA and peed on a guy's door. You know what THAT means...yup, a KILLER COMBO!"

  6. "I wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on generators for HHA and then never installed them. Bingo, another KILLER COMBO."

  7. Don't forget the baloney. Lots of it... you know the baloney attended Harvard for two years.

    Ham and baloney-- a killer combo!

  8. Carmelo is pretty cheesy and full of baloney, a killer combo.

  9. Wonder if the sandwich comes with wiretap or a file in it?

  10. "I wiretapped Bernie Kenny and my trip to the Men's room. You know what I call that?? A Killer Combo!!"

  11. "I left 6 HHA buildings without working fire protection and 14 generators molder in a parking lot for 2 years. You know what I call that?? A KILLER COMBO."

  12. Carmelo's 1st new commercial

  13. "My pal offered to pay for bus loads of Vision2020 protesters to protest at Jakes house in eastern PA AND he gave out anti-Jakee t-shirts at an hha meeting. What a KILLER COMBO!"

  14. "People broke in Jessica Coco's apartment AND fucked up her car after she publicly opposed Vision2020. Know what I call that? A KILLER COMBO! "

  15. "An illegal eviction of Jessica Coco from her apartment at the HHA was attempted after she spoke out against Vision2020 AND her brake lines were cut. Know what that is? A KILLER COMBO!!"

  16. "I let people shit in hha hallways and pee in hha elevators. Why? It's a KILLER COMBO!"

  17. "If I have a conversation with someone, afterwards I can sell them the recording AND a printed Transcript. You know what that is my friend? A Killer Combo"

  18. Gutter rats Joe Branco and Carmelo Garcia a killer combo.

  19. A real killer combo, Jen Giattino and Peter Cunningham.

    erased or removed completely (something unwanted or unpleasant).

    POLITICKERNJ 07/23/15

    Expunged from Assembly, Council-Seeking Garcia Says His Heart's 'Always Been Local.

    You would think somebody who says he went to Harvard would understand when it say you were expunged in the headline it ain't a good thing.

  21. First there was Peewee Herman's "I meant to do that."

    Then there was Spinal Tap's "appeal becoming more selective."

    And now we have Carmelo getting fired from HHA and dumped by Stack and calling it his "natural progression."

    Hey, he meant to do that. His appeal is becoming more selective. Only one stop left in that "natural progression." Complete nobodyhood on January 1st 2016.

    But what a killer combo. 2 Politicker articles in a week. Who got greased this time?

    BTW - "expunged"?

    1. Not unexpectedly as part of that "natural progression" into insanity, barking mad internet serial poster "Melina White" is a Carmelo fan.

    2. Odd that Garcia would feel obligated in saying that being hired for his new six figure job in Newark had nothing to do with Newark Mayor Ras Baraka.

      I would hate to think that somebody might think that he got his job due to some sort of political patronage after what he did Executive Director of the Hoboken Housing Authority.

  22. Why is Carmelo's PR machine hawking him on Politicker NJ? Two articles in a week, pumped from camp Carmelo. It looks like some kind of reputation rehab for statewide consumption. Doubt anyone in the sixth ward is reading or cares.

    1. Carmelo's political reputation statewide is in the crapper after tape recording his colleagues, getting the state assembly boot from Stack, getting fired from HHA and investigated by HUD. Those are all huge negatives that add up, so he's now trying desperately to rehabilitate his image on a county and state level...despite his ridiculous assertion that going from state assembly to councilperson for one ward in a mile square town is a "natural progression", LOL. Dude needs to learn what words mean, geez.

    2. I don't think PolitickerNJ did Carmelo Garcia or his flack Pete Onegila any favors publishing these stories from the sarcastic headline to the goof ball picture they chose of Garcia they clearly telegraphed the image of a loser.

  23. I wonder how much taxpayer $ has been wasted defending Carmelo's bogus ethnic cleansing, etc complaints against the mayor. He can He will Watch him waste 6th Ward residents' dollars on his frivolous lawsuits!

    Ethnic cleansing claims and frivolous lawsuits are a KILLER COMBO.

    1. I don't know but he needs Cammarano to come back and explain the "magic piece of wood" to him. That was when Cammarano told Mason that she had to stop engaging in frivolous lawsuits once she moved to the other side of the magic piece of wood because she was responsible for city finances.

      Carmelo is in the same boat.

  24. I laugh at you unbelievers. Thus I say Ha! Which is the word for laughing at unbelievers. You would know that if you went to Harvard.

    Our kick off will be both ground and breaking. We have coined the word Ground Breaking to describe it. So that tells you something right there. Stupids!

    We also have a 5k race planned to raise awareness of raising awareness. The race will be in August so everyone will get pretty sweaty. There will be t-shirts that say "We can, We will, Smell us" in honor of the smell of the raised awareness. T-shirts will be $300. But $2950 if you buy 10. We shouldn't just give out discounts like that but it's for the children.

    Eat our dust former council girl Giattino!!! You can't, you won't!!

  25. some guy is doing a really bad job of trying to stick up for carmelo on that politikernj article, LOL. no logic, no rational discussion, just "he's done great things! HHA under refer is terrible!" man, if that's the best political op damage control garcia has, he's in even more trouble than i thought.

    1. wefer, not refer, ha!

    2. His Facebook page says he moved to Hoboken June 23rd. Got to be smarter than everyone else and learn the long history of corruption in Hoboken in barely a month and is already totally condescending. Must be nice to be such a quick learner.

    3. Maybe he is just into watersports.


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