It's Never Too Early

Occhipinti Campaign lit: Frank Raia's $92K investment

Well folks, campaign season has not begun, it is early.  In fact, the BoE  slates have not announced, yet. But, I was reminded of something by an Anon this morning.

A former City Council candidate-now incumbent School Board candidate and his City Council running-mate now running for School Board disseminating lies about Hoboken Public Schools on campaign literature supporting  the"One Hoboken Moving Forward" slate. 

Since it's early in the season, GA will point out the three glaring whoppers.

1.  Per-Pupil Costs.  The per-pupil costs are those proposed for 2012-2013, and the numbers available to the Occhipinti Campaign and available to the public on the Hoboken Board of Education web site.  It's called the User-Friendly Budget 2012-2013.  

Hoboken BoE User friendly Budget

2.  University of Notre Dame Costs (*source:
$55,855 Annual Cost to Attend
Cost Breakdown
$42,464 tuition
$11,934 on campus room & board;
$950 books
$507 fees
3.  The CRAP "Wall Street Journal Poll."  In August 2012, GA debunked this Truila Real estate poll that 'mysteriously' ended up in the Wall Street Journal just in time for the 2012 School Board race.  You'll never guess who was the former Education Reporter at the Wall Street Journal?  Hint: not a fan of Kids First.  Read: 
 America's Least Attractive Poll 

WSJ Porno for the Dark Side
That's it for this sleepy August day.


  1. This literature full of inaccuracies was approved by people that were either on the board in the past or reside on other school boards and city boards.

    It is disgraceful that Frank Raia an Ex-Board member and sewerage commissioner and Hola Charter School officer approved this literature. It's a wonder what else he is distorting.

    Frances Rhodes Kearns and Peter Biancomano are sitting board members and it could be ascertained that they have no working knowledge of the very board they sit on.

    Carmelo Garcia board member at the time indirectly supported this lit as a supporter of this ticket. This of course surprises no one.


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