Statement to The Hoboken Reporter

I got a call from Al Sullivan at 10:56 am.  His editor was asking him to reach out to me for a statement about the Move Forward campaign's Swastika-on-Wheels.

I told Al I needed to run this by my lawyer.  It took about 2 hours to reach him then clear my statement.  Well, guess what?

They DIDN'T publish  my statement.  Well, I do  nt discuss the SLAPP suit as you know, but I am publishing the following that was vetted by my lawyer.

So, here is my comment to The Hoboken Reporter:

I have no role in the current school board campaign. My inclusion in this campaign is patently absurd. This vicious, anonymous attack appears to be retaliation for my efforts to expose political corruption in Hoboken through my blog. Such attacks are not new. Lane Bajardi and his wife, Kim Cardinal, political operatives for Beth Mason, have filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit, prominently referenced on the van, in a misguided attempt to silence my blog. One element of the van’s display, the graphic juxtaposition of my caricature of Beth Mason with a Nazi film poster, is identical to a juxtaposition created by Lane Bajardi for his City Council rant attacking me on November 15, 2010. Another image on the van was toted to the City Council and BoE in April 2010 by Lane Bajardi as a visual prop for similar rants. These images are years old and have nothing to do with the current campaign. I urge voters to repudiate this most vile campaign tactic in modern Hoboken political history- displaying swastikas on our streets to elect School Board candidates- at the polls on November 6th.
