BREAKING: Russo Civic Association CLOSED

 GA was contacted this afternoon with stunning news: the Russo Civic Association located at 420 Adams was gone.

As in vacated. The exterior illuminated sign was  removed, the interior dark and it's contents in boxed and packed.

GA walked over to check it out and snapped some pics. The ones below were taken of the interior through the storefront window.

So what happened?

If they were moving to a new location why wasn't there a notice on the door?

Strangest of all, the illuminated sign removal- taken right out of it's metal frame. Why take the sign down with the tenant's contents and furnishings still inside?

Could the Civic Association have fallen behind on the rent, and gotten the boot from the landlord?  If so, what a telling loss of influence that the Russos would be treated like... the rest of us.  If they were thrown out did the landlord take down the sign?

Russo's Civic Association is a not-for-profit and as such doesn't pay taxes.  Which means they are not allowed to participate in political campaigns as an organization.  But clearly they have- see  Ramos' posters displayed in the 'BEFORE' pic above. Could this have gotten them into tax evasion trouble?

The Feds are crawling all over town, and many (including GA) believe that their investigation has been going on for months. So they must be well aware that the not-for-profit Civic Association has been deeply involved in political activities around town.  Including voter registration and VBM distribution.


No tweets from Russo on the shut-down. No announcement on his web site. It seems to have been done hastily and quietly.

Things that make you go hmmmmm.


  1. Cant wait to hear the "spin" on this one.

  2. Not an expert but this probably isn't the perfect time to have a tax exempt entity that is engaged in political activities. Our guests in the black cars may have a few questions.

  3. Very unwise npo behavior, especially in the current climate. The RCA has also been long-rumored as a place to pick up your voting $. State tax records (searchable online) should reveal the chain of ownership, liens, seizures, etc. To the best recollection, this property has been owned by the Russo family for many years. Which one(s), especially after Anthony transferred assets to avoid paying restitution, who knows. There may have been some real estate trust at some point, involving either Cecala or Andreula (husband of former Councilwoman Roseanne) or both. Both men were old family friends, both public servants, and both were convicted of something felonious, I recall. I also recall a rumored suicidal gesture when Andreula was to be incarcerated. All very sordid, as usual. See why I like the term "sisyphean sociopathy"?

  4. Hey wait a sec! Where is everyone going? Did I miss the memo? The place needs some serious straightening up! Isn't company expected? And how are they going to do the location reporting with this mess? Grab a broom! Hey c'mon!

  5. As a taxpayer, I would like the FBI to operate in a more efficient manner. Since there appears to be no reason for them to ever not be in Hoboken, maybe they are planning to use the former White House of the Old Guard as their local HQ. Think of the gas savings!

  6. The thing about moving, is it always seems to dis-lodge some bugs. Funny though, they always seem to find a way to follow you to your next home. And if for example, one wished to rid a former pet store of stench, smoke might be a good choice. Larger victorian mausoleums are harder to clean out the years of decay and decomposition - that takes real teamwork, but the townsfolk all agree, it's well worth the expense and effort.

  7. The sign is down true, but that is pretty much what it normally looks like inside. I pass it every morning and most nights.

    There has been the regular summer gang hanging on the stoop.

  8. It is plausible that they simply took down the sign to advertise the 1 BR apartment above:

    I mean, who would want to rent it knowing that a huge sign would be hanging out the window?

  9. Hmmmm... unplugged electronic devices askew, stray shoes on the floor and boxes piled 5 high?

    Phew, now I feel better about my housekeeping skills.

  10. Ever see the old voting machine they had in there?

  11. Perhaps the FBI could get a good long-term lease on both the commercial space & the apt. upstairs? A live/work arrangement makes sense, given how busy they could be. Nice central location too!
    A MSV poster notes a recent deed transfer of the RSA property to a bar owner in Belmar, with some simultaneous re-arrangment of the bar's ownership structure. Perhaps a sidebar insert to your Jersey Sting-email jihad timeline GA? The beach house may also fit the same transfer scenario, as I recall it went from Anthony to Michael (& possibly others) for $1. It would be interesting to see exactly when the real estate transaction(s) occurred.


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