Cammy Talking to the Feds? - UPDATE

A fellow posting under the moniker 'IagoJones' hinted that former mayor Peter Cammarano had reduced his 24-month prison sentence by helping the Feds with their investigation here.

That makes an awful lot of sense.

Cammy is mouldering in a prison cell in Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary, abandoned by his former friends, his future bleak, each long, miserable day a reminder of how far he's fallen, his debased status in life.  Surely he wanted to get the hell out yesterday to rebuild his life and perhaps settle scores. Stripped of his dignity,  his law license, the promising future ahead, what's he got to lose by telling the FBI whatever they want to know?

Here's what he's got to lose: time. Time in Hell.  He'd be a fool not to take it.

And for the Feds.  It's likely this investigation started after Cammy's imprisonment, which is why this Let's Make a Deal may be happening now.

Or is it?

Cammarano was remanded to Lewisburg on October 4, 2010 for a 24-month sentence.  That would mean his release would be early October 2012.

According the the data available online, his release is scheduled for early March 2012.   

7 months earlier, or 17 months time served.

That's about a 30% reduction, almost 1/3. Was Cammy rewarded for eating his vegetables? Or keeping his cell neat as a pin?

Doubt it.  So how was his sentence reduced so substantially?

Things that make you go hmmmm...

What and WHO could Cammy be giving up, if he is talking?

Whatever he may have told them, it was valuable enough to reduce his sentence by 1/3. Conjecture.

But it does seem likely that the Feds WOULD go there, and that Cammy WOULD exchange what he knows for time.  

(Update, 10:26 AM)
Being no expert on criminal law matters, I rang up Not-Stempler, who serves as GA's Legal Department for no compensation- except "friendship".  GA has no shell companies from which to funnel money to Not-Stempler for his services anyway, though I do have a shell collection: conches, cowries, mollusks, bivalves- you name it.  I could pay Not-Stempler in seashells, but he prefers cash.  Lots of it.  Which he already has, so he doesn't need my limpets.

So I called him and told him about Cammarano's new release date and he replied with these 2 words: "He's talking."

There you have it.  In case you didn't know, Not-Stempler knows about this kind of stuff.

(Update, 2:00 PM)
Thanks to GA contributor extraordinaire, InfotainMe, for providing us with the answer to the question: Was Cammy's sentence reduced for good behavior?


Info forwarded an FAQ on 'good time' credit earned by a group called Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM), with the excerpt:
The statute says that good time is counted at the end of each year that the prisoner is incarcerated, beginning at the end of the person’s first year in prison. The BOP gives itself 15 days from the last day of each year of the sentence to calculate good time. For example, if a prisoner’s first day in prison was April 1, 2008, the end of the first year in prison is April 1, 2009, and the BOP must calculate the good time earned by April 16, 2009 (15 days from the last day of each year of the sentence). The last day of this 15-day period is called the “vested date.”
When the BOP has to credit good time for a partial year (when the prisoner has less than a full year left to serve), the BOP gives itself 6 weeks before the last day of the sentence to calculate how much prorated good time to credit. In this case, the vested date is the last day of the prisoner’s sentence. On the vested date, good time is officially “credited.” If the BOP does not calculate the earned good time by the vested date, the BOP must give the prisoner the full award of good time. Good time also cannot be awarded before it has been earned. See 18 U.S.C. § 3624(b) (2008).
Cammarano has been imprisoned for less than a year and not eligible for good time credit.  In fact, his good time credit won't be calculated until October 19, 2011- about 4 months from now.

Then the sentence reduction was due to...


  1. GA: Minor correction - when PC was first incarcerated his release date was listed as June 30. You can check the thread on the HJ announcing that PC was admitted to Lewisburg - there's a screen grab.

  2. Hi, Indie. Very curious- I checked HJ and the 10/05/10 screen cap does indeed show a 6/30/12 release date. at the same time Hoboken Now said on 10/04/10 that Cammy started "day one" of a 24-month sentence. Which should bring his time served into October 2012.

    In any event, at a minimum if the 6/30/12 date was right his sentence has been still reduced by about 4 months.

  3. Totally agree...I suspect that the HJ screen grab listed the original date of possible parole...

  4. There's no parole available in a federal sentence.


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